Chapter 27

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Mark's Pov.

"Mark, I never realized you guys were so tight." I turned to Mary who stood beside me, peering at me through her glasses.

"You know what. I want you to do something for me" I returned "I want you to go down to legal and ask the lawyer what the ramifications would be if I stabbed him"


"Yeah. And please prepare my notes for the eleven o'clock. "

"Sure" she said, walking away.

I was very pissed with the way things turned out at work today. Everything just went awkward and ended up annoying me greatly.

And so was Lizzy. I'd offended her as well. I sighed before entering my office.

"Mary! Where are my notes!"


"Mark. What are you still doing here at this time?" It was 1:00 am.

"Did I disturb your sleep? I’m sorry if I did."

"Well, Sorta. What are you doing? "

"It's about work. I've under much stress lately "

"Then unwind. It's not a big deal"

"Of course it is. I have many crucial contracts with me and they need to be carried out."

"I understand how you feel." She sat on the counter. "I'm glad you are here"

"What? What do you mean by that?" I ask with an inquiring look on my face.

"In the morning, you thought I was drunk, right?"

"Of course Mum. You were"

"Well, not really. I was really serious when I told you something was bothering me. But maybe I'd read too quickly into it and had decided to react too fast"

I cocked up a brow "Really?"

"As a matter of fact, yes and I'm glad you're here so we can talk about it"

"Right. Here I am then. You can talk to me now"

"It's more serious than you think. Unless it turns out I've been under some kind of illusion "

"Hmm. OK."

"It's about Lizzy's child. That Stormi. "

"Ok. What about her"

She took a deep sigh and continued. "Last night while you guys hugged before they went back home. I found something very uncompromising on her"

"You mean the little girl"

"Of course Mark"

"But before I continue, I'd like to ask you a question. I'd like to know if you'd known Lizzy before now. Knowing, in the biblical sense"

I grinned "what kind of question is that? I find it strange mother"

"Of course you should, but I'm damn serious about this "

"Ok. No"

"Like really? You never did"

"Please mother, if you're joking stop it. OK?"

"And do I look as if I'm joking"

"I'm sorry if I misunderstood you. But you have my answer now. No, I never did."

"Ok, this might sound crazy but I found a consummate replica of your birthmark on her stomach. Exactly at the same place. What do you say about that?"

"Honestly Mum" I laughed, "I don't get this. Is this why you've been worried? Come on Mum, just stop all this. I mean you shouldn't make your dislike for her so obvious in front of me. For God's sake mum, I love her and there's nothing you can do about it"

"I'm not talking about Lizzy here. I'm talking about her daughter. I know this sounds a little crazy but there are these strange things that unnerved me. It tells me something is wrong, somewhere"

"I wanna sleep, mother. See you tomorrow. Love you" I kissed her cheek and left for my room.
I deliberately grabbed her arm, and pulled her in my direction so that she would come into my lap. But I didn’t pull on her so hard that she didn’t have a choice. She could either move with my suggestion, or she could move away altogether and walk

She let me pull her. Closer and closer she came, her knees hitting mine once she was close to me.

My hands grabbed her hips, and I pulled her onto my lap, making her legs perched my hips so she was immediately on top of me. I took it a step further and pulled her clothes over her hips.

I brought her to my muscular and tattooed chest while cupping her ass. Thus, making her face hover over mine. My expert hands squeezed her beautiful breasts, kneading them with my long experienced fingers.

I'd slept alone last night thinking about when next I'd ever be in the warmth of a woman's body. Susan had denied me every bit of it and here was an opportunity I was never going to let go by. At this point, I was way harder than I’d been the night before, horny and anxious.

She made a mess of my hair when her arms slid into it. she looked into my eyes as she held herself over me. Her lips came down upon mine slowly, her eyes watching my reaction as she hungrily gave me a kiss.

The landing was perfect, making both of them breathe hard at the connection. My hands squeezed her ass again, and she pulled at my hair until it tugged on his scalp. This was the moment!

She let out a moan when her breasts pressed against my mouth. I took in a nipple in my mouth and her moaning returned.

Never had I ever been kissed this way. It was wonderful and most pleasing.

Susan rarely kissed me, and she grudgingly did so when we were obliged to. As in balls or partied where we both were the linchpin.

We simultaneously moved whenever our bodies came together.

She kissed me too quickly and continued to pull me towards her as though she was going to die if I didn't. We were in that way for many minutes, our breaths reeking of alcohol.

This woman knew just how to kiss a man. It made me yearn for more of the kisses, before we both plunged ourselves into the real thing.

I trailed my hands down her body as we kissed. I could imagine every one of her curves and the heavenly promises each curve promised. Her dress made it easier since it was skin-fitting. Her skin was so smooth.

My sex was pressed against my zipper as it fought to get closer to her, slip inside her perfect body. My body began to ache for her, my fingers twitched at the prospect of feeling her.

I wanted to have her so damn hard.

She pulled my shirt out and then feverishly helped me with the top of his jeans to get them undone. Without taking her lips off mine, she tugged them off my hips and far
enough down so that his sex could come free.

Her hands found him and gently
stroked him, her thumb swiping across the lube that formed at the tip of my very crown. I raged with pleasure.

One of my hands slid into her hair, and I gripped her tit at the same time, my sex meanwhile was in her hands. Nothing would stop me from having this woman now.

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