Chapter 45

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Okay, so that just happened. I won't lie, I'm very curious as to what is going on between the two of them and why she hates me so much.

"Okay, we are going to start from the top to the bottom. I expect you to know this entire building like the back of your hand." Now it was my turn to roll my eyes.

"Sure, boss. Anything for you."

If you say so," he added, his face betraying his disbelief. 

Why does she despise me so much?

"All right, we'll start at the top and work our way down. 

I expect you to be familiar with the complete structure from top to bottom within the next three daya"

It was now my time to squint and roll my eyes. 

"Sure, boss," I said.  "I'll do anything for you."

Elsie's last words made me laugh. I gave her a wink before leaving.

He arrogantly chuckled. 

"Are you envious or something, Samantha ?"

I sneered. 

"Have you lost your fucking mind?" 

"Why would I be?" you might wonder.

"Good. Because you have no right to feel envious in the first place. 

What we had years ago came to an end, and it will never come back.

"This is going to happen again." 

He spoke something abruptly that made my heart ache. 

"Come on, it's not like we have all day."


I was back at my workstation around 55 floors up, my feet slightly sore. 

This bloody structure is enormous. 

I am awestruck by the fact that Mark possessed everything, and it appeared that he owned a lot more. 

Why did I have to think about it?

I might yet be able to get him back...

There's a slim likelihood of that happening. 

Maybe when the world comes to a end. 

He made it quite clear from his earlier statements.

He's made it plain that he's lost interest in me.

The landline began to ring. 


"Right now, bring me coffee." 

After that, he hung up. 

Wow, what a courtesy. 

What happened to his decency?

I arose reluctantly from my plush leather swivel chair and made my way to the elevator. 

If my calculations are correct, the 15th floor has a break room. 

I walked in and pressed button twenty. 

I was there in a matter of seconds.

The break room was directly in front of me.

I returned to the top floor after hastily brewing the coffee.

I didn't knock and instead walked straight. entering his workplace

He was hunched over his enormous mahogany desk, frantically pecking away on his laptop.

"Sir, here it is." 

I rang the bell as I placed the boiling hot beverage on his desk.

He didn't even say thank you before reaching for it. 

He took a drink and wiped his brow in distaste.

His face furrowed in a frown.

"What is this nonsense? And its not even very hot. There is no sugar in this, no cream!!. 

There isn't any milk "He spat out with annoyance.

"Mr. Noble, please accept my apologies. I was curious as to how you loved your coffee." 

I responded with a caustic remark.

"Get me another one,"  He yelled

I stood watching him for a while so that he began to feel uncomfortable.

Soon, I grabbed the coffee mug and marched out of his office, not looking back.

I'm not sure who he thinks he is, treating me like that. 

I think I'm deserving of a little more respect.


I was so enraged that I didn't notice a person approaching me from the opposite direction. 

I slammed into his rock-like body

It hit me so strongly that I flew backwards, taking the coffee with me.


I moaned in agony, both from the blow and from the fact that my blouse was soaked in hot, sticky coffee.

Oh, dear, are you okay?"  a voice with a heavy Irish accent said

When I looked up, I was confronted by the most enticing emerald eyes I'd ever seen in my life.

What is the name of that stunning gentleman?

For a little moment, I forgot that I was now bathed in burning hot coffee and let myself go.

I was lost in the gaze of the enigmatic man who put me in this situation.

He was in a very appealing fashion, blond hair fell gently on his forehead. 

His hair was disheveled but perfectly groomed.

If it was possible, I'd like to do both at the same time. 

And he was probably ripped and had the visage of a Greek god or perhaps one.

From his straight nose to his high cheekbones to his razor-sharp jawline, he exuded confidence.

His eyes were the color of maroon, with blue streaks that were almost imperceptible. 

For some strange reason,

They seemed to stop time for some reason, and I found myself drowning in them.

"What an impression I've made thus far. 

Miss, how are you doing?" 

he inquired, his voice trembling with dread and concern floating in his seductive orbs

Then the hot beverage's burning heat overtook me, and I yelled. 

I sat up straight and scanned my arms. As well as my blouse 

My entire clothe had been wrecked with the stench.

"Take a look at my clothes. You just ruined it. Can't you watch where you're going?" 

I half-screamed, much to the amusement of the stranger.


He gave a quiet chuckle. 

"Since you were the one who collided with me, I suppose I should ask you." 

My gaze softened when he looked into my eyes.

He was, in fact, correct.

I wasn't paying attention to where I was going since I was too irritated at that jerk of a boss. 

"Then I presume it was intentional cuz you saw me coming"

He extended his hand to shake mine. 

"However, allow me to assist you in getting up."

I clasped his hand with a tired expression on my face. 

He lifted me off the ground and into his hard shell in one fast movement.

My breath hitched when we came into contact.

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