Chapter 30

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Mark's Pov.On the next Monday, I finally made up my mind to do something about it. But my greatest fear was Lizzy calling me crazy.I took a great time thinking about it. There was every chance I had something with her, and there was still a great chance that I had nothing with her.It was morning and the chirrup of birds resonated throughout the air, they sang in their merry chirp.I first called Mary and told her to do man the office while I was away, also telling her to postpone several appointments on the ground that I wasn't feeling ok. This morning I decided to go visit Lizzy and see if I could talk things with her, fearing what the outcome might be. Fate could be so crazy, I thought.I first went into my bathroom and had a slow but soothing bath. My phone rang several times while I was in the bath but I did not care to pick it.I was too confused at this moment to pick anyone's call, even Lizzy. This, if it was true, was going to be a big shock, not actually because I Would be proud to be Stormi's father but I would be very sad seeing that Lizzy could ever behave in such way.After having my bath, I made for my room and went straight to the wardrobe took my clothes and slowly began to dress up for the big day. A maid came in few minutes later to report to me that breakfast was served but I waved her away.My mother also came in few minutes later and asked me to reconsider my decision thinking I had not yet consented to the fear that I could be the father of Stormi."Mark." she said "Where are you going? Don't tell me you won't do what I asked you to"Is there a need to hurry me" at this she sighed "But I'm not even thinking of doing that in the first place. It's crazy mother and you're seriously getting on my nerves" Come on mark what the hell is wrong with you, come on""This is what I have to say" I said and wore my suit, hugged her and left her standing in the room, gazing wildly into the space before me. She surely must be shocked and pissed at the same time."Muther, you don't have to be disappointed. It's not a big deal if I don't do it. But to be honest I don't support your notion towards her, I wonder what you see her as, an whore?""No son, please don't say that. I wasn't going in that direction anyway. Remember what I told you in the firsts place, I just want you to make any other mistakes again. Look I am really sorry about the mistake I first made by bringing Susan into this family and I promise never to do such again. Mark, for God's sake I am your mother and I want the best for you. Think about it please" her face was sullen and I felt immediate pity for her."Mother I understand, and I as well want to make myself, my life and my prospective family happy by taking the right choices today so as to avert regrets in days to come. I truly appreciate your penitence and benevolence but I think it's high time I am left to do certain things on my own, having it in mind that you may have wider decisions or similar experiences. I have heard what you said and I will surely take it into consideration, I will as well what I can do about it" I said, lifting my gaze tothe white ceiling."Thank you son,: she said and came forward to give me a big hug "I love you"I stifled out a scoff, turned and left while watching the gratification in her look.I met with my father downstairs as he asked about what I was doing about it. I told him they would hear very soon from me and that they shouldn't worry. He told me not to keep them waiting and I shook my head. I languidly ambled towards the garage and admired, as I do occasionally, the number of cars packed, before wedging myself into one and driving off towards the empty streets.Even while in the car. I just couldn't stop thinking, what if it turned out to be true that I was Stormi's Father.An invisible blade struck through my belly occasionally while I drove towards the Broncos.Even the beautiful background and the neatly arranged pattern of flowers meant nothing to me as I drove to Lizzy's house, my heart pounding.Was I going crazy? was I just going mad simply because I was on my way to being certain if a child was mine or not?But no. Another thought struck me, why would I have been so carefree. How could I not have known that it could have led to a pregnancy, how stupid I was.And now, the little kid had known what rejection feels like. I had always dreamt that I would be so close to my kids that they would love me so much, but this was agame end or very bad first impression.Well, if it was true. Yes, it was true. No, it wasn't. What the hell is happening?I quickly swerved to avoid hitting a car and regained my balance. I speed off and in twenty minutes, I am outside Lizzy's house watching the environs and the cool atmosphere that it conveyed. I picked my phone and dialed her number. I put on a long face and made my way towards the entrance. I could hear the sound of things moving about and I remembered it was school day. She surely must have been preparing Stormi for school.I knock twice and very soon I begin to hear the patter of feet coming towards the doorway.It surely would be Stormi's. I nearly flinch when her shrill pitch rent the air apart."Mummy, someone is here""Who's that?" the familiar voice of Lizzy comes through. But Stormi said nothing.Her strides came towards the doorway, she first looked through the peephole.I looked also in the peephole the moment I thought she looked through it and saw the shock in her eyes when she discerned my presence. We first came together in a bear hug and kisses which she had introduced.I wasn't comfortable at that and I could discern that she saw that look in my face. I turned around to Stormi once we were done and returned her angelic gaze. I went towards her and picked her up before kissing her on the forehead and not letting her down as she blushed and laughed at intervals."Are you in a hurry?" I asked Lizzy, sitting."No, we're not" she lied"but you are getting ready for work and-""she cut me off smiling "I can still discuss thing with the proprietor and my boss" the unwavering smile still in her eyes."Okay, your hair it's not well brushed. ""Oh, I know. Was doing it when you came in""maybe I could help with that, I said smilingA big smile returned to her face as she shrugged, rolling her eyes. "Your help will be very much appreciated"Thank God I was here on time, I needed to do things as fast as possible and craftly so she wouldn't notice."how did you learn this" she said as I lifted her mass on my shoulders and softly brushed them while smiling at her in the mirror."My mother taught me""I forgot to ask. How is she doing, and your dad""We are all good. What about Bella?""She hasn't come around for some time. Antenatal stuff""And have you checked on her since then?""Sure twice""Nice... is it""Wow, good job" she returned before standing. Right then I caught the sight of a brush that was right in front of her. It was deniably Stormi's. I looked deep into her eyes when she turned, smiling radiantly. Beautiful as always."You know I love you Lizzy?" I asked"How much do you love me?" she said, a bright smile on her face.I slammed her as though I was waiting to crush her, I kissed her hungrily and pushed her towards the small table where she did her make-up. Thankfully enough, my hand caught the brush. I slowly took out the strands of hair in them...

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