Chapter 46

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He was way too close for my liking, invading my personal space.

I knew that behind the fancy suit, he was rippling with nothing but muscle.

Our faces were inches apart and his spicy cologne assaulted my nostrils. He stood a whole head taller than me.

I was too scared to look into his eyes again because I knew they were studying me at this very moment.

I pushed away from him, and straightened my crinkled slacks. An awkward silence suddenly fell around us, further adding to my unease.

When we made contact, my breath caught in my throat. 

He was far too close to me, invading my personal space.

I could tell he was rippling with muscle beneath the fine clothing. 

Our faces were only a few inches apart.

His strong scent hit my senses as we parted ways. 

He was a full head taller than I was.  I was too afraid to say anything.I knew they were looking at me right now, so I looked into his eyes once again.

I pulled back against him, straightening my crinkled jeans. 

We were suddenly surrounded by an unsettling quiet.

This only adds to my discomfort. I swallowed my saliva and cleared my throat. 

"Please accept my apologies for stumbling into you. 

My mind wasn't in the appropriate place at the time." 

I said, looking around at the bottom of the stairs

"It'll be OK." 

"Please accept my apologies for the coffee. I'm sure it was scorching hot." 

He and I both laughed again.

"It was," she said.

His brows furrowed slightly. 

"I've never seen you in this area before. Are you a newcomer?"

"I'm the CEO's new personal assistant," I disclosed.

His brows furrowed in astonishment. 

"He finally got rid of that stupid Elsie, Oh really," I heard him mumbling something under his breath.

"In any case, allow me to introduce myself.  

Edward Kyle is my name." 

He said it with a lovely Irish accent. There was a benign smile that creased his full, youthful upper lip. There was this  warm childlike grin on his face.

"My name is Samantha. Samantha  Moore."  I replied quickly, a small smile spread across my face. 

This is, without a doubt, one of the worst experiences I've had in a long time.

"I see Miss Moore, you have forgotten your duties to engage in some small conversations with this kind of man." screamed a voice,

The way the voice was full of coldness and reprimand, it could be identified. I knew I was wrong but I did not like the urgency it carried

I muttered silently in my head before slowly turning to face him. 

He didn't seem pleased, to be sure, but it wasn't just that. Dissatisfaction flashed through his steely gaze. 

Was there a smidgeon of resentment there?

S-sorry, I-" I began, but was cut off by Ed.

"Mark, take a deep breath and relax. We collided, and she splattered her coffee all over herself. She is ok. So you don't have to worry man"

Edward decided to step in and try to calm Mark down.

Mark made a sneering remark.

"Yes, that's correct. That's exactly how it appeared. He spat, a little too harshly, and he was yelled at.

Silent daggers are being fired at Edward. The irate look on Mark's face said it all

"That is correct. Isn't it obvious that I'm dripping wet?"  I spoke to Mark calmly.  How insensitive could he possibly be? Didn't he see the coffee that had seeped into my dress

"Please clean up and bring me my coffee. It appears that you have forgotten about it." 

Mark gave the command. 

What the hell is going on here?

Edward turned to face me just as I was ready to say something. 

"Samantha , half of this is my fault. I'm pretty confident you're right. I don't have anything to change into, so please take my jacket." 

He said this while shrugging off his jacket and putting it back all around me 

It had the same scent as him.

I couldn't help but smile when I saw his kind gesture.  I hoped that would teach Mark a thing or two. 

"Edward, I appreciate this so much Will I ever see you again," I paused for a second.

"make sure to give it back to you."  Will I be able to?" I watched the anger in Mark's face tighten. I erupted in laughter deep down. The feeling of flirting right in front of him was heavenly. Then he gave me a sweet smile that sent shivers down my spine. Those lips.

"I sincerely hope so.  But, if you don't, please keep it secure for me.  Now is the time to leave, before I become enraged and get you fired"

With that said, I turned to leave towards the elevator at the end of the hall, but not before stealing a glance at Mark. His face was plastered with an unreadable expression. As I walked off to the said elevator, I could feel their eyes following my every step and it gave me the creeps"

The problem was that I couldn't really tell whose they were particularly.With that stated, I turned to leave, but not before stealing a glimpse at the elevator at the end of the corridor.


An unfathomable expression was plastered on his face. 

I could see the elevator as I moved away.

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