Chapter 17

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"Well dad, you've said it all. Lizzy is nice and pretty but…" I watched his lips move, disgusted when the name Lizzy streamed forth from his lips. "But you missed an important path. Surprising as it may, she's not after my money"
"And what are your intentions towards her? Must I beg before you spit it out"

"I will not rush things. It's been only two months since we met, and I've got to know her better. To make sure I don't end up with a white-washed tomb. Like that idiot, Susan." he scoffed and glanced in my direction "Only God knows where she's gonna end up. Heard she's married off to some English chap at Aberdeen. The love of her life, she called him. I wonder what I was then. After everything, I did it for her."

"It's sad, but I don't appreciate your calling two months 'just'. It's high time I said this, my patience as well is running thin. This is a very vital issue. Let me make this clear to you. Very soon, very, very soon the company will be yours. It might be in a matter of a year or two, or months even. So you need to have settled before then, so as not to break down from office and family affairs. When I first saw Nina, I knew it was her. I knew she was the one. Just a month. Just one month, and we were married. I don't see why you should be an exception then. Most importantly, you have very big tasks ahead son. So think about this and get back to your mother and I once you've made a resolution concerning that young woman. I think I like her. By now you must have made plans on her coming to live with us for a short while?"

"Thanks. But she's been utterly cynical towards that,"

"Don't you think she's like Susan? Wanting to play around a bit before she strikes" I cut in

"I don't understand. What exactly do you mean, mother?" Mark asked, four eyes gazing intently at me.

"Actually," I began. "yes, she might be nice and all that but to prevent an onslaught in the future. I think we should give Mark more time, as he wants, to watch her closely and know what type of woman she is. We should be very careful to avoid another mistake. This doesn't mean I like her"

Mark's face goes stern when I mention the last sentence.

"I always feel this kind of uncertainty, something strange. A foreboding whenever she's around me"

"I don't understand you mother. You completely shunned her at the party. What accounts for that statement? Has she ever been around you"

I was certainly going to know what transpired the previous night now. He'd feel safe to spill it out, considering the presence of his patronizing father. I laugh within, support my chin with my palms and gaze directly at him, smiling.

"Nice question Mark my boy. Of course, I've been around her, but it only happened once. In this compound. Now tell me, what happened the previous night between you and that girl"

They both exchange a meaningful look.

"I don't understand"

"Of course, you do" I try to sip from the mug only to discover nothing's left. "In case you don't know, I met her downstairs. Now I hope you understand. Shall I repeat my question or should I give in to assumptions, assumptions can be very deadly, you know"
He kept quiet.

"Do you mean to say that she was in here at seven, probably in his room" my husband taunted?

"Where else" I spoke faintly, but not too faintly for them not to grasp. "And you know where that is pointing to"

He blushed.
Noble again spoke "Now, this is interesting. Mark, you haven't answered the question"

“She looked shaken. She looked as if she'd been running. She looked scared,” I said, the spark in my eye getting brighter.

"It's none of your business. I chose what information I keep to myself"
“Well, what’s the going to be the gossip? Very soon, you'll get to hear pretty much from the press. I pray they don't get into this."

Mark dropped her eyes, and a laugh was concealed. The movement of her lower lip showed a tendency to laugh. "Please stop"

Everyone began to laugh. This bit of mischief was successful.

"Well, let's get cracking then, shall we. Since you two will be joining me, then an hour's preparation is ok. Get anything you need and come along. We will all be going in my car. I will inform the chauffeur as soon as possible " then he bent and kissed me on the head before making for the doorway.

The day was still very young but I'd had a perfect morning. What unnerved me was the presumption that Mark must have slept with her. I wasn't able to force out any word from the horse's mouth but that was okay, the good thing was that he'd been given more time to think about making Lizzy a wife. But we were not going to waste the whole time waiting, we needed to start as soon as possible.

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