Chapter 22

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Bella’s Pov...
"I thought I heard you," I said suddenly at the kitchen door while finding Lizzy looking into the refrigerator at about noon.
"I'm sorry I woke you up." she apologized, looking forlorn. Her face was still fresh with tears.
"What can I get you?" I asked her, ignoring the apology.
"I'm not sure," she continued to stand, the cold air warming her, unsure what she was hungry for as she gazed vacantly into the refrigerator.
"I can heat the soup you like," I offered, not taking my gaze away from her.
But she shook her head.
"I think I just like a peanut butter sandwich."
"With or without jam?" I asked.
"I can make it," she said, but I was already on the move by then.
Lizzy gave up and sat on one of the counter stools. She didn't talk, and I didn't ask any more questions.
I prepare the sandwich, sliced it Just the Way she liked and placed it in front of her.
She thanked me and began to eat.
I did not try to engage her in conversation. I was very concerned about her situation. The once happy woman who bubbled with joy every second had simply waded into depression because of a lie!
I was pleased to see that she had drunk the milk as well. I was going to let her know before I walked her to bed.
"Can I talk to you, Lizzy, about something?" It's very very important. "
"Of course, what's that?" She croaked out.
I know this might sting a bit, but it's about Mark.
She looked at me, her face void of expression. Then she lowered her gaze and said in a placid tone.
"And what about him?" I was very surprised she sounded that way.
"We talked things over outside, and I'm surprised to tell you that we are the ones at fault." The woman you met gave you the wrong information, Lizzy. "
"What do you mean?"
"What I mean is that Mark never cheated on you." The woman you met is Mark's ex. " I said, turning back. "Mark's been divorced instead."
She was dead silent after that, probably feeling like an a**hole. I let her go that way for some minutes before turning to her, smiling.
She hung limp, gazing directly into my eyes.
"One more thing, girl," I said to her, "he sent you a message and it's attached with his divorce papers." Check it out when you can and find out. Let's see what's next. Let's get cracking, shall we? "
Derrick's POV :
I had been waiting for four hours. It was a Monday morning and I had yet to go to my office. I was determined to wait as long as it was necessary to achieve the results I was seeking. I was a small-time business man at the moment, but that did not mean I was to be deprived of my due. I was prepared to see to it that I got what was my right.
This was one of the few times I would see Sam. For the past few months, it had largely been a game of hide and seek on the part of Sam.
Looking around at the environment, I saw the lush green grass, well taken care of, and flowers kept in shape and beautiful to look at. The floor was exquisitely tiled, and the leather chairs in the lounge where I was waiting were rugged but exquisite, providing the necessary comfort with a touch of luxury.Even though I appreciated the beauty, I knew that I was not here to relax but to seek a resolution to a business matter.
"Good morning, Sir," I said as I greeted Sam.
"Sit down," he retorted with a wave of his hand, sitting comfortably in the leather settee.
"Thank you, sir," I said as I sat down.
"What do you want?" Sam asked.
"If I remember very well, I am sure you're aware that my colleagues and I have not been paid for the contract we executed for you," I said. I was seething inwardly, but I did my best to rein in my internal turbulence.
"I don't remember anything of that sort as far as I am concerned you're wasting my time and yours. I think this is a matter we have already settled," he thundered while I stared at him in shock.
I did not respond immediately, but stared intently at Mr. Sam as if giving myself an appropriate response. Looking at his well-fed and comfortable disposition and standing in society, I knew how much that pitted against Sam. He was nothing but a tramp in comparison. Moreover, might was on his side, a pillar of society in the state. Sadly, I realized that the rich are always right in matters of getting their way through and imposing their will on those who are less favored. Yet, I was resolved and prepared to get what was my legitimate due.
"Sir," I began slowly, getting a rip on my emotions, "If I remember very well, our agreement was that you would pay us the balance of fifty grand upon completion, and we have fulfilled our path. It is also public knowledge that the governor has since paid you. So what we are demanding is a just due, nothing more, nothing less. "
Sam stared at me. He looked as if he was wondering why I'd been insolent. "I think this discussion is getting tiresome and you are assuming too much liberty." "All said and done, I think it's high time you took your leave," he said. He started dialing, a rude way of informing me that I had been fired.
I looked at him sadly. People like this mattered in society because of who they knew and not what they knew. In the event of the continuous dominance of such characters in the economic life of society, it meant that development was going to suffer.

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