Chapter 34

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Derrick's POV...

Things were getting out of hand. I was getting more broke by the day. Sam had not yet consented to my wish and the banks I took loans from were at my neck, threatening to take me to court if I wasted more time. I hated myself for no reason. I regretted every action I had ever taken. From Lizzy, to Susan, to everything.

Why was everything just going wrong? Why was everyone and everything against me -my mother, Susan, the bank and most of all, Lizzy. I greatly regretted the decision I had taken against her. Maybe I shouldn't have done it....and now the odds were against me.

I didn't know the plan, I didn't know which way was next.

I kept pacing the room like a caged beast, angry, sorry and regretting. Nemesis was playing a perfect game was I was going to come out victorious no matter what prospect presented before me. I was just coming from Sam's. I apologized, letting him know that I didn't mean any of the threats .

He laughed while slapping me gently on the shoulders, telling me that he always knew it. I laughed alongside him, thinking that we had at last come to a sort of agreement. That we would at last reason together as brothers. But I was shocked when he ordered his rock-faced guard to throw me out.

I was appalled as apprised. I couldn't speak out of shock as I watched him do it. I knew this was just the end for me.

And I was looking for every possible means to avert this seemingly-inevitable danger that loomed with each passing day.

Should I apologize to lizzy and make her see reasons. She was surely going to contribute something? Excuse me, where did that crazy thought come from? Being desperate at this point racked my nerves. Lizzy was going to slap me in the face if I ever tried that.

The only chance left was to give in to Susan's bid and get the money.

That would ease the tension at the moment even though someone was going to be sent in harm's way. There was no time to waste, I picked up my phone to give Susan but that same crazy thought came back.

This time, it was confidently consistent. But I waved it away and it returned, this time around tugging at my heart, telling me that nothing was impossible. How very ashamed I would be of myself if I ever got to see her again.

I'd hurt her greatly and it was surely going to take something to make us meet, let alone talk about coming back.

I sighed noisy and gazed at the ceiling till its view became misty. What was I going to do, I thought? I knew the crazy chances I was going to take were outrageous, but the cold floor of prison cells was more outrageous. Meeting with Lizzy was the plan now, and consenting to Susan's bid was also to be done if incase, or as will happen, when Lizzy embarasses me. And I needed to call Susan as fast as possible to avert giving it out to another person if that had not happened.

The first person I called was Susan. She picked on the fourth ring and didn't say a hello when I did.

"Hello" I said, the second time. I was tensed, because I'd made a decision in the split of a second. What if it boomerangs?

"What is it?"

"I just want to tell you that I will be doing the job" I said to the other end, gritting my teeth as I did.

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