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"I can't take it anymore!" yelled Crowler as he flipped his desk with papers that had ideas of expelling Jaden. In his room there was champagne with a label of 'When that slacker gets expelled' in his mini fridge. On his door was a bulletin board with Jaden's face on it. Under his queen sized bed were all the names of the people he sent to beat Jaden, but failed. On the walls there were scratches, for each day he wasn't expelled. To say that he despised Jaden with every fiber in his body, would be the understatement in the century.

Everything he tried, nothing worked!

That time to send him the Obelisk Blue Girl Dorm? Syrus went in first and won against Alexis.

That time he gave Chazz rare cards, the ones he didn't return? He beat his ass in his own turn.

The last two days of him hiring a Shadow Duelist to scare him off the island? He scared the duelist.

He punched the wall in frustration, making a hole inside of it. "Damn it, slacker! Not only you make my life miserable, but now you broke my hand! Is there no way of not making me hate every fiber of your being?!"

Before he could make any more ideas, he heard one of his students yell, "Damn it Crowler! I am trying to study! Be quiet!" That was one of his most promising students in the other room, Chazz, studying for Professor Marco's test of Dueling linguistics.

"Like you have the right to yell at me. You lost to Jaden with the cards I gave you!" thought Crowler as he went to the only thing that wasn't flipped out of frustration, his chair. He noticed that he spent around 12 hours trying to find the perfect way to expel him, so that makes sense why he was dead tired.

Until he remembered something. A rule that they broke yesterday. The reason why Titan was there in the first place. They went into the forbidden place, the abandoned dorm. He smiled maliciously as he grabbed his phone. He dialed the number of the Disciplinary Action Squad's general.

After a minute of corny elevator music, the number was finally picked up, "This is the General of the Disciplinary Action Squad! Which student has broken the rules and what dorm are they in?"

"Hello this is Vellian Crowler, but you can call me Doctor Crowler." The General rolled her eyes after he said that, "I will report the students Jaden Yuki," and then he had a worse idea for this, he remembered a certain blue haired boy going with him, "and Syrus Truesdale in the Slifer Red dorm. They went to the abandoned dorm yesterday. They were told by their professors that it was forbidden, but they didn't listen to their warnings."

The General nodded, "Alright, thanks for the input, Doctor Crowler. Me and my men will bring them into the Chancellor's office to report them about their rule breaking tomorrow. Have a nice day."

As soon as the call ended, Doctor Crowler started laughing. His laugh roared all around the Obelisk Blue dorm annoying everyone. Especially a certain raven haired duelist, "What did I tell you, Crowler!? SHUT UP!"

Crowler stopped laughing and he looked at the wall, "Fine, fine! I will stop!" He went to clean his room while mumbling, "Jerk."

Tomorrow morning

Military submarines, helicopters and boats with minivans on them arrived at Duel Academy, landing at the shore. Soldiers went out to bow as the minivans with soldiers and the General inside it went down from the boats, going at the Slifer Red Dorms, for two students in mind. The General was in the front seat, driving it while being the lead to show others where they were going.

Call them dramatic, but before they went in squads, most Generals either lost their lives or were hospitalized to the point of quitting their jobs. Safe to say, their fear of Duel Academy students were justified.

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