The School Duel!

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"So, our little brother is dueling?" The Princeton brothers heard as they heard from Chazz's jacket, a little recorder, recorded all of the things they heard and even him defeating Jesse Anderson. Jagger looked at Slade.

"About time he was useful and helped us." Slade grinned as he looked at his younger brother, "Shall we?"

"Of course, Slade. We are gonna show how powerful our little brother is." Slade and Jagger looked at each other as they began laughing, their plan on World Domination becoming closer and closer.

The Day Of The School Duel

Jaden and the gang, aka Bastion, Ceilna, Syrus, Chumley, Alexis and Zane were chilling in the boat yard, waiting for someone to show up. They didn't know why, well Zane did, but he was ordered not to tell them why.

But that didn't matter, as they are having the most serious debate of all time, "Hey, guys! Who do you think would win in a fight? A hippo or a rhino?"

"What makes you say that, Jaden?" asked Bastion as he was eating a Golden Eggwich, which he got 7 weeks in a row to the point he was nicknamed "The Golden Eggwich Of Ra" which was the cheesey name pun of Ra's full card name.

"Oh, I think I get it." Celina said, "Because they are like big?" Jaden nodded, "Yeah they are big, like chunky."

"It all depends where they are fighting. The weather to be exact." pointed out Zane, who was actually interested in this debate, "Is it too cold for the hippo?"

"Or is it too hot for the rhino?" asked Chumley.

Syrus turned to the person who is representing Duel Academy, "Are we putting it in water or on land?"

"Because I feel like hippos do have the ability to beat a rhino in the water." said Alexis as everyone nodded to that. "Due to their mouths."

"True, rhinos do have pathetic mouths." pointed out Celina.

"Yeah, but I do think rhino do have the advantage in having a...beak of some sorts. Y'know, the thing on top of their nose." said Jaden as everyone looked at him in confusion.

"You mean a horn?" Zane asked as the Slifer Red nodded.

As the conversation got deeper, Syrus was confused on one thing, "How much does a rhino weigh?"

Before any of them could answer that question, Bastion finished a bite of his Golden Eggwich, "An adult rhino weighs between 1720 to 3080 pounds while an adult hippo weighs at 3500 to 9920 pounds." He said with confidence as everyone looked at the Golden Eggwich of Ra in confusion.

"...How do you know that?" asked Alexis.

Bastion was silent for a few minutes as he looked at them, he took a deep breath, "Once when I was 12 years old, I was curious on what are the heaviest animals, and I accidently walked in a university," Everyone did a double take on that, "And just like that I am legally a doctor."

"Did...did you just admit to going through 12 years of medical school in less than a year?" asked Chumley as Bastion nodded.


"I think they didn't care at that point or they thought I was one of those students that passed grades due to their intelligence, despite being an university."

"So, now I know who to go to when I break a bone. Cool." said Jaden as he heard someone getting near so he went up and saw most students, some teachers and Sheppard near one of the boat houses. "When did you guys come here?"

"About 20 minutes." said a shocked Sheppard that one of his students is a doctor, "What the hell is wrong with my school?" "We heard," Banner nudged him, "I heard from Foster that they would be arriving any minute now."

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