The Graduation Duel!

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Zane Truesdale is a man that means no introduction in Duel Academy whatsoever as he is the most popular, and to be even thought of as the strongest duelist in all of Duel Academy's history, in Duel Academy. He was a man with an almost a full 100% win rate with some of them being from Yusuke, Atticus and from him, but the 2 former he did defeat on several occasions. He was even named The Kaiser Of Duel Academy.

He was also a man that was said to be the heir to the Cyber Arts, or Cyber Style, that was lead by the Chancellor of this school, Sheppard Samejima, to learn how to use a deck like the Cyber monsters propelly and how to respect your opponent and had a rival dojo of the Jinzo Art, whose leading student's name was Makoto Inotsume. It was even heard that they have a deck that could actually hurt the user, but no one has ever used them, but that doesn't mean that they don't exactly exist. While studying the Cyber Arts, he was given his very own ace monster, Cyber End Dragon, and their different Fusion monsters.

He was even heard to have defeated the very person that defeated the likes of the Final Rider, Lymann Banner, and the leader of the Shadow Riders, Kagemaru, which only 2 people in the entire school year have managed to do. Not only that, he defeated the Clear Rider, Nightshroud, and assisted in defeating he-should-not-be-named.

So people would be asking why on all three Egyptian Gods would he ever step foot in the Slifer Red dorms. While he was around the place, like at the BBQ and when Syrus was in a horrible incident that he needed his older brother to be around for an entire week, he never actually took even a step in a room in his 3 years of being in Duel Academy and unlike today, why would he?

Well it was quite simple, he was the first one to defeat 100 people, not including Celina that day, in rapid succession that people had to take a double and triple check to see that he wasn't lying, and he was being truthful, so they took that in consideration, not to mention that he almost got a perfect score, with a couple of questions being wrong here and there, and it was a no brainer that he was chosen to be the person that will be in the graduation duel and can even choose who exactly does he want to choose as the person he wants to duel before he graduates. It was on the same day as when Chumley left the island.

He thought about it, until he found out that to him, it was quite the easy picking and who to leave out. Alexis may be one of the people that he respects the most and the younger sister of his best friend, however he doesn't feel like it could work, she does have passion, but he feels as though she doesn't have enough strength as a duelist yet, not to say that she was weak far from it. Bastion is easily, without a doubt, the smartest person on the island and he likes how he wants to optimize his deck the best way he could, however he wasn't loyal to one deck, which was fine if he used 1 or 2 more decks, but no, he plays 5 more decks.

Chazz was arguably the strongest freshman of this current year as he, outside of Zane obviously, was the only person to defeat Jaden in a duel, but he does have something that could be his worst enemy, his arrogance. Both he and Celina have this, that does not mean that is a fully bad thing, but they could get overconfident and lose the duel shortly after. Celina, while an extremely good duelist, who was even the one to defeat he-should-not-be-named and had a deck that could get a lot of resources back into the deck, hand, graveyard and field, the same goes with Chazz. Her arrogance could lead to defeat.

Dennis and Kite were the only Shadow Riders out of the bunch, which means that they were extremely powerful duelists, however, he feels as though Dennis' style of dueling, similar to Yusho Sakaki, wouldn't mix well in their duel, which was fine. Kite is honestly the one who could give him the biggest challenge in the graduation duel, however he did hear from Sheppard that he might get the same job as him, so he won't bother with this.

That leaves only Syrus, Yusuke and Jaden. Syrus was the one that he saw in having massive growth as a duelist, and he couldn't be more prouder to see his younger brother one day surpass him, but right now, he doesn't think it was the correct time to do so, but one day he will challenge his younger brother. Yusuke was the best friend of Zane and could even be classed as his rival as he was the one of the few to actually defeat him in a duel, but he believes that when he is about to graduate would be the best time to duel him.

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