The Clear Rider

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The life of Yusuke Fujiwara wasn't the life that most kids wanted.

Despite being in a wealthy family, with loving parents and as many Duel Monster cards he could have, he always felt lonely. He didn't have any friends, no relatives, no aunts or uncles, not even grandparents.

The only other person he had that loved him, was a Duel Spirit by the name of Honest, which was like his guardian angel whenever he was alone with him.

He felt lonely and sometimes even saddened that no one would hang out with him and he feared of being forgotten about in his school, with many of the students calling him creepy or weird.

The worst thing that has ever happened in the life of young Yusuke, was the death of his parents in a car accident. He felt horrible. He felt like he was forgotten by his parents to the point that they would rather die than be with him.

The day the accident happened was the worst day of his entire life. The only people that cared for him were dead, he had no one to go to for this. He only felt comfort from one spirit that no one else saw. He was depressed, not wanting to speak to anyone or leave his room.

Eventually, he was sent to a care home, where no one would be friends with him or much more care about due to his gloomy nature, he, like always, felt forgotten about.

A few years later, he went to a dueling pre-school, a school which most students go to before entering Duel Academy. It was better than in his care home, but not by much. The students were nice to him, but they didn't care for him, not at all. The teachers weren't much different.

One day, there was a group project, something about the history of the Pharaoh Atem and Abidos The Third, in which a group of three must make a project of the Pharaohs. No one wanted to be in a group with him, except for two students.

Atticus Rhodes and Zane Truesdale.

Those two made Yusuke's life better. When they made the project, they quickly began liking each other, even Zane who had a tough way of showing it. They went to each other's house to hang out and either watch duels or shows, or play video games, they always did something together.

They went to Atticus' house and befriended everyone there. His parents, his aunts and uncles, cousins and the grandparents, but the ones that Yusuke liked the most was his little sister, Alexis, to whom she had a crush on the green haired boy. Everyone liked the two kids, and vice versa.

Atticus and Yusuke also went to Zane's house, and just with Atticus, they befriended his parents and his little brother, Syrus. Soon they realized that a few years ago, he went to a dojo to learn about the Cyber Style, which was his current deck. They also learned that his dojo had a rival dojo by the name of Jinzo Style.

The three were inseparable. Everything they did was a group thing. Including studying, group projects, hanging out, watching shows, learning new decks, getting new cards and more.

When they got to Duel Academy, things hadn't changed, for the better. They were placed in the best dorm, Obelisk Blue dorm, and met their headmaster, Doctor Vellian Crowler.

After a few weeks in, everyone, even the seniors, realized how undefeatable they were. Even Atticus, the weakest one, was much more tougher than that of anyone there that they were named The Emperor Trio.

The three of the strongest duelists that Duel Academy have and will ever have in their entire life. The Car was Atticus, The Kaiser was Zane and The Emperor was Yusuke, as he was the only person that could even match and surpass that of Zane and Atticus.

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