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It was a couple of days after the defeat of the last of the Shadow Riders.


Camula Lugosi.


Dennis McField.

Kite Tenjo.


And finally, Amneal, which only the Key Keepers, Sheppard, Yusuke, Syrus and Chumley knew that it was actually Lyman Banner.

It was actually a quite a shock to most of the students that there was a war in Duel Academy, but then again they really didn't remember the fight against the Venom Rider, for the better, even though most of them have interacted or only watched with some of them like the Vampire Rider, Amazoness Rider or even the Entertainer Rider.

Every time even one of the defeated Key Keepers were near them, they cheered them on, which was great at first, but it was getting quite tiring for most of them when they are going anywhere, and I mean everywhere with praises. Some who were defeated by one of the Key Keepers, mainly the ones that were defeated by Jaden from his ridiculous adventures before the Shadow Riders, had even more respect, yes even for Crowler.

Some even wanted to hang out with them, not Crowler since he is a professor, which they respectfully, in their own ways, told them that they weren't interested.

One time, Raizou and Taiyou tried to hang out with Chazz and asked them if they could hang out with them as Kite, and his monsters, cracked their knuckles as they have heard how they pretty much backstabbed him after the promotional duels, but they didn't do anything when Chazz told them to piss off which they did.

However, it was quite awkward for everyone that weren't the Key Keepers, or close to the other Key Keepers, to have two Shadow Riders, Photon and Entertainer Riders, to go around the school with the Key Keepers, hanging out like they always were. They even saw them helping Doctor Crowler with the homeworks and his poems, which were quite terrible if they were being honest.

They were really pissed off that they allowed the two people that tried to destroy the world and this school, walking around like nothing happened between them, so they had the bright idea of coming near them and try to either scare them away or beat them up so they don't come near this island.

Reality hit them harder than Obelisk's Fist Of Fates as Kite, with the help of a certain indigo haired duelist, looked at them, then to each other, then to them back as they cracked their knuckles and beat them up so hard that they went into the infirmary with some broken bones and a new living nightmare of the two.

Like said again, the two former Shadow Riders were always around the former Key Keepers, the current Key Keeper and Yusuke Fujiwara, with the help of Honest, as they were watched the entire time, but respected the entire time they were there.

They were living in the free room inside of the Obelisk Blue dorm that had two twin beds, a desk with a computer with a chair that gave them the ability to spin around, a massive TV on the walls with CDs of movies like the greatest movie of all time Thor: Ragnarok, Top Gun Maverick, Robin Hood the 2018 version and similar movies, with also some anime DVDs like for Mob Psycho 100, My Hero Academia, Demon Slayer and so much more.

While they were with the Key Keepers, and Yusuke, they had thoughts on everyone.

Dennis thought that, while cold and brooding most of the time, Zane was actually was a nice person to be around, sure he may not talk much, but he is a great listener and truly cares for his loved ones, Yusuke, while awkward and serious like his friend, was also a good person to be around, and can't help, but love to tease him with a certain yellow haired girl, Alexis he thought was an excellent person to be around and isn't as loud as the Slifer Reds, but not as quiet as the other Obelisk Blues, a perfect middle and can't help, but tease her with a certain green hair boy.

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