The Fate Of The Slifers I

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"Any information, Nistro, Dextra?" asked Kite as he looked over to the paperwork he was looking at that was on his desk as he had a cup of coffee in his hands. He took a sip of it even though it was hot as magma. He turned his eyes to the two.

"Yeah, we do, it only took us 2 all nighters," said the man that was leaning on his chair looking like he was about to die out of exhaustion any minute now. The man had short pointy red hair that had two shades of red, with small purple eyes with a scar over right eye. He wore a red shirt and brown pants with black shoes, as his gray jacket with orange fur was on a coat hanger a few meters away. He was Nistro Gauche.

"Here, Kite, I think you need it," the woman that had her head on the table and looked like she was sleeping raised her hand to reveal the papers that they were researching on. She had purple and black hair as the purple hair was on the front while the black on the back with orange eyes. She wore a purple shirt with black pants and black shoes with high heels. Her white and red jacket with yellow lining was on a coat hanger. She was Dextra Droite.

"Excellent, thank you two for your hard work." said Kite as he walked up to them and took the paperwork. He took a sip out of his coffee as he began reading the papers.

"Don't mention it." lazily said Dextra as she just wanted to rest after this hell of researching/illegally finding about the details about where two Princeton brothers were working at.

"I can rest my eyes, finally," said Nistro as he was about to collapse from exhaustion.

"You can rest now, you don't have to worry." Kite could hear the two mumble "Thank god." as they looked like they were resting their eyes after this. He doesn't blame them as he continued to look at the newly informed paper.

The reason why he was doing this was because of the fact that 2 weeks ago he felt a strange and unsafe feeling inside of him. Something that would harm someone, not him, he was confident that he could handle them on his alone, but someone that he cared about. Chazz.

His little brother that he would destroy the planet if so much as a papercut happens to him, and he had uneasy feeling inside of him, which grew worse and worse over the course of the two weeks, which explained why some of his plays during the two weeks were a bit off, but not enough to cost him the duel.

So he decided to get down to business and began researching over what has been going on in the two weeks during the uneasy feeling and that is to find out about the one family that he knew Chazz left behind months ago: The Princetons. The only exception to this would be his mother because she was the only one to ever treat him nicely.

The first one was his father, but shockingly, his record was actually pretty clean as even though Nistro and Dextra tried, they found out that he wasn't doing anything suspicious or anything out of the blue. He was just trying out a new carrier, which was honestly shocking for him.

But there were his brothers, Slade and Jagger, the two people that he never wanted to meet ever again since the divorce court as he tried to get his mind out of them, but nothing was right with him during couple of weeks after the court. Sure he knows what they are working at, but that was it, nothing was going on that was suspicious.

At first...

He knew that something was up, so they tried to look at the call history during the entire two weeks which took hours to finally get some information out of, as hearing every single call was painful to say the least as it took two full all nighters to get all of the information that was needed.

Finally, after what felt like years have gone by, they have gotten everything what they have heard and all of those plans over the course of the past 2 weeks, which was tiring to say the least as even Kite looked tired, but not as much as Nistro and Dextra. The two looked like they were about to fall unconscious.

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