The Vampire Rider I

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Two Obelisk Blues, by the name of Pippin and Geoffrey, were walking down the Obelisk Blue shore, unknowing that they were walking on the same night as the first defeated Shadow Rider.

While they were talking about how horrible the Slifer Reds are, they then felt a strange wind around the shore of Duel Academy. From the wind came out a green haired woman with red lipstick and a gothic styled dress. They looked at each other before running towards the shore.

They ran towards the shore to see the woman, Camula, as she turned around with a devilish grin on her face as then on her arms was a vampiric styled duel disk. Pippin turned to Geoffrey.

"I say, Geoffrey."

"What ho, Pippin?"

"I think she wants to duel us!"

"Are you sure she wants to duel us?"

"Damn it, Geoffrey! Of course she wants to duel us! I take offense to that remark!"

"I take offense to you taking offense to that remark! But of course I would like to duel, but Pippin do you have your deck?"

"Of course I have my deck!" Pippin searched for his deck in his front pockets, but nothing was there, "Uh oh."

"What ho, Pippin?"

"I believe I forgot my deck."

"Have you tried to search the back pockets?"

"Why would I put my deck in my back pockets? It would be hard for me to take my cards back!"

"Damn it, Pippin! You always put your cards in your back pocket!"

"No I don't, Geoffrey! I take offense to that remark!"

"I take offense to you taking offense to that remark!"

"That's it, Geoffrey! You insulted me for the last time! I challenge you to fisty cuffs!"

"I accept this challenge."

As then the two Obelisk Blues began fighting each other, Camula's faith in humanity was decreasing by the second. She slapped her forehead as she yelled out, "ENOUGH! If you won't duel me now, I will turn both of you into puppets!" And then her face became even more vampiric, scaring the two Obelisk Blues.

Geoffrey proved to Pippin that his deck was indeed, in his back pockets, "Told you it was in your back pocket."

"Well you certainly showed me, Geoffrey." The two Obelisk Blues began apologizing to each other as they then looked back to the Shadow Rider as both of them readied their duel disks and put their decks into them.

All of them shouted at the same time, "DUEL!"

The Next Day

After the defeat of Nightshroud, the first Shadow Rider, also known as Yusuke Fujiwara, Zane's best friend, the strongest duelist in Duel Academy, The Emperor of Duel Academy, he immediately went to Fonda's office and everyone, Zane and Honest especially, waited for his status.

Fortunately for them, Yusuke will make a full recovery. Zane was just exhausted with some minor injuries, while Yusuke was dehydrated and had a lack of oxygen so he was hooked with an IV tube and an oxygen mask.

While some of the students were confused on why Zane was so persistent on Yusuke and told them everything. From his past to the daycare and the loss of his parents to him disappearing with Atticus, which made for the people that didn't know about him, feel sorry for him.

Sheppard then asked them, in his office, if they want to continue this war, only for them to agree that they won't give up on this mission.

All Zane did was look after Yusuke's body for as long until he wakes up and so did Honest with him.

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