A New Porpoise

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A lone figure was drifting along the course of the water of the sea and beyond as it felt like there was no end in sight, as he looked down at the sky with a saddened expression on his face as he looked upwards and saw the great beyond.

The boy was known as Jaden Yuki, a boy that can no longer see the cards of his deck which deeply saddened him as he loved to duel, dueling was his favourite hobby to do if you don't include watching anime and chilling out with the crew in the schoolyard.

During his duel against Aster Phoenix, a childhood friend of his that he would always be glad that he was his friend and cherished those memories that he can remember, he lost, but that wasn't a problem as he could take a loss pretty well, but the way he lost hurt him and now, for some strange reason, he can't duel no more.

No matter how much they helped him and how much he knew that they were legitimately trying to help him out in any way, he just... didn't want them to feel pity for him and he didn't want to feel like nothing more than a burden for them. He didn't feel strong at all, he felt weak.

He felt like a useless being that didn't matter at all. Even when remembered the words that Honest told him, he just... didn't feel that way. At all. He felt sad, he felt horrible, he felt everything bad that happened was all of his fault.

He sighed as he looked at the water, "I wish I packed some more food and drinks, cause I am starving over here!" yelled Jaden as he looked at the deep blue ocean and saw his reflection.

It was only 3 days after he left, but to him? It felt like a whole month went by and it went so quickly. The boat didn't have that much fuel on it and he was all alone, as he couldn't even entertain himself by looking at his deck.

"I wish... everything was like before." he said as he stared at the ocean as he began to think back to last year as he remembered all of those fun times with his friends and all of those duels, with a small, depressed smile on his face, "Like last year."

"When I could still see my buddies, where I can chill out with my friends, where I can relax, when dueling was more than just life or death, when losing a duel wasn't losing your soul and spirit, back when I had the dream to duel." Jaden said as he looked at the ocean as he sighed deeply.

He looked upwards, "Hey, anyone above the skies! Can you give me a sign, any sign that makes me want to duel again?! The drive of never giving up, the drive of motivation?! Something... anything." he said as then he saw something upwards, it was... like a comet!

"Hey a shooting star!" Jaden stood up with a big ol' grin on his face, "That means I can get myself a sweet wish! Alright, I wish... I wish that everything was back like it was before, back with all of my buddies and friends!" he yelled as he saw that shooting star still going.

He looked at it with a grin as he saw the comet going and going, but then he dropped his smile as he realized something was fishy...

...was it going towards him?!

He widened his eyes as he quickly ran to the steering wheel of the boat, "Oh, on second thought, I don't want that wish!" he yelled as he grabbed the key as the comet was going closer and closer as well as his heart going insane with each and every second that he wasn't going anywhere.

"Come on, work darn you!" he yelled as he tried his hardest to make it work, but nothing was working. He then began praying to all of the Egyptian Gods, "Come on, for the Love of Obelisk, Ra and Sli- HAHAH! FINALLY!" he yelled as he could finally managed to work it out.

"See ya' sucker!" he yelled as he began to drive by faster than a speeding bullet as he remembered that he hasn't really gotten used to using this boat, which is why he hadn't come home.

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