Yusuke Settles In!

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Authors Note:

Time for a Yusuke and Zane bonding chapter, and it will be a short one since there is no duel. In this Yusuke will be a mix of Atticus and Zane, his jokey side from Atticus and his serious side from Zane.

It was a week after the defeat of Tania, the 3rd Shadow Rider. While she wasn't as imposing as Nightshroud or terrifying like Camula she was still a very capable duelist, even almost defeating Bastion in a duel. But something was going through Bastion's head the entire week that he couldn't stop thinking about Tania, which resulted in him downing Chumley's dad's hot sauce.

Zane leaned on the wall outside of the infirmary, waiting for his green haired best friend, Yusuke Fujiwara. After two years of him missing his two best friends it was nice to see one of them again, walking around, having conversations or just hanging out.

After he woke up, he needed to stay in bed so he could regain all of his energy, and now today, he was allowed to walk around, but not over do it like running. Which was a breath of fresh air as he couldn't anymore see his best friend in pain like that.

While he was happy that Yusuke was all fine and well, he couldn't help but feel sad for Alexis since like Yusuke, her brother was gone, almost like Yusuke, but he knew that someday they will get him back. One day...

His thoughts were cut when he heard the door opening and from what he can see is his best friend that he had to fight against a Shadow Rider, Yusuke Fujiwara, with an Honest card in his deck box like it always was.

"Sorry to keep you waiting Zane," said Yusuke, "They wanted to do final check ups if I am fully able to go out of bed." Yusuke was around Zane's height, wearing the same uniform as The Kaiser of Duel Academy. His hair was a slightly darker shade of green that went all over the place. His eyes were a lighter shade of purple, and they were both as serious as Zane's, but with much more of a gentle tone. He wore a yellow deck box on his belt to store his Lightsworms and his ace monster, Honest. His Clear deck mysteriously disappeared when Zane defeated Nightshroud, but his jacket, shirt and pants were around his arms so he could place it in his wardrobe later, as they were all cleaned after his duel with Zane.

Zane only looked at him, "Don't worry, Yusuke, I was only waiting around 5 minutes so I didn't wait too long." He walked in front of Yusuke with a small smile on his face which was rare to see unless you were his best friend or brother. "Now, shall we go and catch up with everything?"

Yusuke nodded, "Sure, Zane, I want to know what happened." Yusuke said as both he and Zane began walking to the exit of Duel Academy.

Zane explained everything. From the search team to find him, Atticus, some group of students by the name of Barians and more, to the more forgettable second year which the only notable part of it was that he dueled Czar from North Academy like the first year, to the start of his third year when he and Alexis began hanging out by the lighthouse, just like he did with Yusuke and Atticus, to his younger brother Syrus joining the year while becoming friends with a certain Slifer Red, which he made a comment that he doesn't know anything about romance, to dueling that Slifer Red, to him and Syrus dueling in an expulsion duel, which Yusuke did a double take on, to him meeting Honest and made a new friendship with him, to the Slifer Red dueling at the School Duel and lost to the representative of North Academy, which was now a student here, and finally finished off with his duel against Nightshroud, which for some reason to Yusuke, sounded familiar.

Normally it would have taken them around 5 to 10 minutes to exit Duel Academy, but now they were taking their time to catch up, having conversations with each other and more. It was a nice walk and a nice feeling that Zane didn't really feel again up to his duel against that Slifer Red.

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