The Expulsion Duel.

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It was now a week after Jaden's and Syrus' suspension, but only a week left before their tag team expulsion duel. Jaden bought card packs and fixed Syrus' deck, while Syrus was tortue- I mean trained by Celina. To be fair to her, his dueling skills became better than at the start of the year.

Speaking of the only female in Slifer Red, she was on her bed, on the phone with her cousin, Lulu Obsidian. They were talking about Duel Academy, how Lulu's older brother, Shay, was doing, Lulu's job as a vet and more.

But right now they were talking about Lulu's boyfriend, Yuto, "I don't know why you are worried if you tell Shay that you have a boyfriend. I mean Yuto is a nice guy. And you are an adult, so you make the decisions."

"I know that, but Shay has always been overprotective of us. Do you not remember when you had a group project with a kid, Sylvio I believe, and he and uncle scared him so hard that he changed schools?" said Lulu.

Celina groaned, "Of course I do! I had to do the project all by myself that week! And they acted like they didn't do anything wrong!" she exclaimed, "They think I am made out of glass for god's sake!"

Lulu chuckled, "Well, you were extremely emotional that time."

"I was 8 years old!" She swore she heard Yuto laughing in the background, "Wait, you are at Yuto's apartment right now? Does Shay know about this?"

"No, I said I was at a friend's house," Lulu knew Celina was looking weirdly at her phone right now, "What, you wanted me to tell him that I was at his best friend's house? No way!"

"Thank god, you didn't. He would have broken my spinal cords, if you said that." Yuto said to Lulu, "Oh and hello, Celina."

"Hello to you too, Yuto." She greeted, "Look, Yuto, try to tell him that you are dating Lulu, I mean he did accept Yugo after all, so he would also accept you. You are his best friend after all."

"Well yeah, but Yugo is a different breed. No one is even in the same ballpark of him." said Yuto as Lulu got close to her phone, "Yeah that wasn't a fair thing to say. Everyone likes Yugo."

Celina nodded, "Okay, yeah. My bad, shouldn't have compared you to him like that. Just at least try it, he won't kill you or some-" Before she can finish her sentence she felt a table was thrown or flipped, she honestly couldn't tell, in one of the Slifer Red rooms, "Sorry to cut you guys so soon, but I heard an earthquake of some sorts, so see ya later!" Lulu and Yuto couldn't even register anything what she said, the phone line was cut off.

Celina grabbed her jacket and put on her uniform, what she was in her casual clothes, ran down the stairs and opened the door. She saw Syrus, Jaden and Banner sitting on the floor, with a certain cat that Celina wanted to steal from, and Chumley standing with a duel disk in his hands dueling...she doesn't know who he is.

The man looked like Chumley, but the man was more jacked than Arnold Schwarzenegger, wearing a white wife-beater and black jeans, but the man had a nose similar to the Slifer Red Senior.

Chumley had a big koala with boxing gloves with a belt around him, "Pretty fitting for him, honestly." with sauce bottles around his left and right side? But the man had no cards on his field, but he did have a table.

So what does the man do exactly? He flips the table, destroying all of the cards on Chumley's field, and due to the effect of the hot sauce bottles, he loses all of his life points and loses the duel. Huh.

Chumley dropped to his knees, depressed. Celina wondered on why he was sad on just loosing the duel, until the person that she was torturin- training spoke out, "I can't believe that Chumley lost to his dad!"

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