The Plan Of Domination

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It was the day after the whole ordeal of Jaden leaving the island, which destroyed some of them and it was extremely simple why, but what they weren't aware of was that a new force appeared on the island that night, something that can not be described by simple words.

It was like something that can be explained as an unstoppable force like a fast moving train that can not be stopped even if you placed several cars along the way, the being that would be impossible to stop as it will destroy everything in its way, with on its own mission to make everyone see The Light.

And it was a good thing since The Gentle Darkness wasn't there to stop his mission to make everyone see it, as they were sure that the reincarnation of Haou, hasn't even been born yet, but there was some massive power spike in one moment a few months ago, but it vanished a minute later as it could be read that it might be possible for him to be alive.

Even if he did arrive, there were massive indications that that boy was the reincarnation in question, but thanks to the earlier duel with the massive help from Aster Phoenix, he would be proven useless to stop this event coming in the next few months, as it had now 4 more members to see The Light.

Sartorius Kumar, Celina Boyle, Skye Zaizen and a one that will be kept as a mystery.

But back to the squad, it was very hard to even sleep that night with the sole exceptions being that of Celina and Skye, who slept like babies, as Hassleberry began to think of a counterattack, Syrus crying himself to sleep, Alexis tried her hardest to not think about her friend in this situation, Yusuke had a talk with Honest as the same could be said with Chazz with his Dark Scorpions and Ojamas, Bastion was all night trying to find out where Jaden could go, Sora and Ray couldn't sleep so they placed the most boring thing on the planet that could put anyone to sleep: Filler episodes of Naruto.

The day after trying to find Jaden was right now, as Hassleberry looked more sad than a general that lost his soldiers, as he was slumped down from his chair, trying not to think about what could happen to the Sarge before getting some books for Professor Stein's History Class.

He looked at his books as he could hear a voice next to him, "Hey, Hassle, is something wrong? You look pretty down right now." Hassleberry turned his attention to Daigo Sorano, one of the only Obelisk Blue students he could tolerate or be friends with.

"Hi Private Sorano, yeah, I am more down than a group of soldiers after someone threw a grenade at us," Hassleberry sighed as he placed his arm on the table as Sorano looked at his friend with sadness in his eyes.

"Did something bad happen? Come on, you can talk to me about this, I am your friend." said Sorano as the Ra Yellow turned to him, and saw that he was trying to cheer his friend up, as the man smiled.

"Well, do you know The Sarge?" he asked as Sorano tried his hardest to remember the kid that he called The Sarge as he never really called someone by their real names, more likely their last name, but now he had a whole nickname of the guy.

Then Sorano snapped his fingers, "The brown haired guy that had to duel Aster and lost? Which sparked up a rumour? Is that him?" he asked as Hassleberry nodded.

"Yeah, that is The Sarge, and something bad happened to the guy during the duel, and," he sighed as he remembered that day. "He couldn't see his cards no more." he said as Sorano's eyes widened as he turned to his friend.

"Wait, what?! How is that even possible? Sure, he could have some type of blindness, but to have it that fast is very unlikely." Sorano sat down next to him as he tried to ponder.

"Yeah, and he even said that he can't see his monsters, but he could see other people's with no problem, which deeply saddened the guy." said Hassleberry as Sorano nodded.

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