The Fate Of The World

300 12 33

Kagemaru: 4000 lp

Jaden: 4000 lp

Turn 1.

It has begun, the duel that will decipher the fate of the world and if it will be ruled by Kagemaru, the person that made Duel Academy, the person that started the Shadow Riders and the stronger than all of them, or will it be saved by Jaden Yuki, the Slifer Red in Duel Academy, the last of the Key Keepers, the Hero Duelist.

The two former Shadow Riders looked at each other as they could tell that, no matter what happens in this duel, Jaden has to make every combo work in order to win this duel since a single mistake could change the tide of the duel.

Every former Key Keepers, Chumley, Syrus and Sheppard looked at each other and back to them as they knew that this duel between him and Kagemaru wouldn't be an easy one and it will be the hardest duel that he will ever have.

Kagemaru and Jaden both drew their 5 cards, but Kagemaru drew his 6th card first, "I'll start this duel first!" he yelled as he looked at all of his cards in his hand, and despite most of his face being covered by the mask, they could tell something bad is about to happen.

"I'll end my turn after I set these 5 Trap cards face down." he said as 5 cards were set vertically in front of Kagemaru as they all looked at him in shock.

Turn 2. Jaden - 4000 lp - 5 cards

"Wait, is he serious?" asked Celina as she couldn't believe what she has heard.

"Yeah, is he? I think he got his circuits crossed." said Chazz as he agreed with the only female Slifer Red.

"What do you guys mean by that?" asked Syrus as he tilted his head in confusion.

"Well Sy, allow me to answer this simple enough. When you set cards face down, you don't say what they are. Even if you say that they are Trap or even Spell cards, you never would say that, because there are cards that could be activated, but are the opposite that you said." Zane explained to his younger brother.

"Correct, and even if you say that you are setting Spell or Trap cards, that doesn't mean that they can't be monsters as well since there is an archetype that allows you to do that." said Yusuke as Chumley looked at him.

"Wait, monsters can also be set like that?" he asked.

"Yeah, they are named Artifacts. Monsters that can be set in the Spell and Trap zone with having effects when they are destroyed." said Alexis as the rest of the group nodded with her.

"Well whatever if they truly were Trap cards, I just hope that Jaden can get out of this as soon as possible." said Dennis in worry for the Slifer Red.

Kite nodded with his friend, "Same here and before they arrive in the duel." he said as they looked at Jaden drawing a card from his deck.

"It doesn't matter if you set Traps, Spells or monsters! To me, nothing can bring me down!" he said as he took a card from his hand, "If you can see now, I summon my Elemental Hero Stratos!"

On his side of the field appeared his trusty, Level 4, Wind Warrior monster that had blue skin, dark blue armour around his chest, a white helmet with glass that covered his eyes, metal propellors on his back, dark blue white gauntlets on his arms and tight white pants.

(Elemental HERO Stratos: Level 4 - Wind Warrior - Attack: 1800. Defense: 300.)

"Ahh yes! The monster that helps him with his Hero strategy!" yelled Syrus as was pumped to see his best friend use some of his well known monsters this soon.

"That's right, Sy and I will activate his effect!" he pointed at his monster with a grin as he placed his hand near his deck, "When he is summoned on my side of the field, I get to fetch one of his budd-"

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