The Amazoness Rider

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Authors Note:

Alright, time for a Bastion centered chapter and the poor boy needs it. But that doesn't mean I will not be fair to his opponent.

Amazons. They were a proud race of warrior ladies that were strived on power and pride. They were raised in the forest where they trained, killed any enemies, ate together and slept.

They once were a small group of powerful women that could destroy most of the monster race like the Ice Barriers, Flamevells and the more powerful and deadly Harpies, but they needed shelter so they could survive in the cold nights and needed an Empress.

They have asked several monster races, but only the Dark Magicians, Endymion and Buster Blader, himself, helped them out. Dark Magician, also known as Ebon or Mahad, created a force field that only female only monster races could enter.

Buster Blader, or as his best friend Ebon would call him, Buster, slashed up every tree in the area and placed them inside of the force field and helped them create, carry the wood, several houses inside of it. The important thing about Buster was that he had a little pet dragon by the name of Buster Whelp of The Destruction Swordsman that he found when he saw a dragon near it and slayed it. The Amazons tried several times stealing the pet dragon, but Buster would always catch them and give them a glare that even a warrior race like them would be scared of.

Endymion, The Founding Sorcerer of Supreme, made several rules of the new civilization and what they can and can not do. For one, they can not kill any monster, unless it was self defense. They couldn't enslave any monster, or in their case male monster for the reproduction cycle, it all has to be consensual. And they can not start a war in any way, other than if they are being attacked. The Amazons were shocked at the rules, but they understood that they have to follow the rules.

If they didn't, they would basically be in a war with the Spellcasters which included Endymion, Buster, Dark Magician, Witchcrafter and more. They may be a proud warrior race, but they knew that being in a war with monsters that could rival and in some cases, surpass the mighty Dragon Lords, Blue-Eyes, Borrel Dragons, Armed Dragons, Dark Rebellion, Clear Wing, Starving Venom, Odd-Eyes, The Signer Dragons, Red-Eyes and Galaxy-Eyes would be idiotic and all of this would have been for nothing.

All of them shook hands and they were off to their own life. Buster raising his Buster Whelp and slaying dragons, Ebon teaching his student knew magic, Endymion teaching new Spellcasters and the Amazons living as a tribe with a new Empress, Otrera.

During the first years of being an Empress, Otrera had an idea, similar to Buster, they would raise a pet so they could fight along with them. They went through all of the animals that were near the forest they could find and decided to raise tigers due to them being loyal companions to the Amazons.

After centuries of the Amazons being alive, a little Amazon by the name of Tania was born. She was different from the other Amazons. For one, she did enjoy fighting, but not to amount like her sisters liked, secondly she preferred knowledge way more than brawn, thirdly she was much more nicer than her sisters and her preference in men weren't tough, dumb musclely men, but rather somewhat shy, but still confident, smart men.

Despite all of the differences, she was well liked and respected by the other Amazons and even from her mother, Diana, who was the fiercest warrior of their generation. She would play with the other Amazons, spar with them and hang out with other monster races like The Melfies, Salamangreats and Lunalights.

They even participated in some friendly tournaments, even when Tania wasn't really a fighter, she still liked a challenge so she accepted the tournament and even came second, only losing to Dinowrestler Pankertops.

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