➻Chapter 44 - A Dream Or Reality?

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[A/N: Goodness, thanks a ton you guys! Fragile hearts has 14.5k reads?! Omg! Thanks for all the love :'))))]


I partly opened my heavy eyes to the dimly lit room. Though I knew it was morning already, the thin drapes hadn't been opened yet. Groaning, I urged my hand over my terribly aching head which gave me more regrets about drinking last night. I slowly sat up from my place, wincing as I began to take in the rays that were striking me. Seriously, I felt like I was hit by a bus! It was that bad.

Hell. Why did I even consume so much alcohol? What was I thinking? This hangover was killing me! Like how the smell of alcohol last night was so intoxicating yet this morning it added to my nausea.

I groaned again. That's why I never enjoyed drinking.

Currently, along with dealing with my hangover, I was doing another task and it was—trying to remember what had I done last night. I just hoped nothing absurd happened and even though I attempted really hard to push my mind, nothing came out of it.

Another groan and my eyes fully outstretched, tumbling over onto the person sleeping composedly on the couch. That was the moment when my eyes actually shot open and for a second I think I forgot I even had a throbbing headache when suddenly all the events from last night came pouring down in my head, glimpsing at Tyler Scott, laying there, on the couch. Shirtless.

My hand immediately clasped tightly over my mouth, concealing the gasp that came out as I took my gaze off him and jerked my head to the side.

Shit. Shit. Shit.

Please tell me it was a dream.

Freaking hell.

It couldn't be real, could it?

I gulped. I vividly remembered images from last night. Although it wasn't clear, I was sure Tyler was close to me last night. Well, way too close to me last night. I shut my eyes immediately, rubbing a hand over my face as more images piled up in my head.

Did I...

I swallowed hard onto nothing as I began recollecting the moments from last night, which made my heart drum expeditiously against my chest.

Did I...freaking kiss Tyler Scott?

"Fuck!" I shrieked and then immediately squeezed a hand over my mouth again, suppressing the loud scream that came out of my mouth. Quickly eyeing Tyler over the couch, a slow sigh of relief escaped my mouth when he didn't even flutter his eyes or wake up.

I inhaled another deep breath and let it out slowly.

"Fuck," I whispered to myself again, clutching onto the bedsheets on my sides, "Did I really kiss Tyler? Goodness! Did this really happen? Was I really that drunk?"

Although I was really stunned by everything at the moment, I was more concerned about the fact that I didn't even remember what had actually happened. How did it all happen? And most importantly, how did it feel to kiss him? Because then, I couldn't even figure out if he was the same guy who kissed me at Nicole's party that night since I couldn't recall anything except for the vague images that played in my head.

On top of everything, the aching in my skull wouldn't leave me alone either and only added to my frustration. Another electrifying pang shot through my head and I winced aloud in irritation which caused Tyler to slur and move in his place.

My breaths choked in my throat as I saw his body moving and seconds later, his eyes fluttered open and he woke up. I gulped. Rubbing his eyes, Tyler gingerly sat upright on the couch that was placed right in front of me at a short distance. It was a long silent moment of me staring at him while he was adjusting himself and coming out of his sleep.

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