➻Chapter 16 - We Make A Great Team.

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After our dance, I was more red-faced than a tomato in a sauna. I couldn't even glance in Tyler's direction. I mean, I practically turned into a seduction machine right there! Tyler freaking Scott, of all people! It's like my brain was on a mission to embarrass me, one dance step at a time.

I swear, I don't even give myself a chance to think before doing something. It's like my inner comedian takes the stage and the rest of me is just there for the show. Seriously, I must have some serious brain glitches going on.

After our dance, it was Cole and Lea's turn, the dynamic blonde duo. They were like dance gods on the floor, flawlessly executing each move with precision. I mean, seriously, they were so good it was almost annoying.

And there was Tyler, grinning like a Cheshire cat the entire time. I guess even he couldn't deny how impressive they were.

As we all lined up in front of Darwin, waiting for the results, I tried my best to pretend Tyler wasn't standing right next to me. I mean, who would have thought I'd be in this situation with him of all people? Life has a funny way of surprising you.

I shifted my stance nervously, my eyes locked on Darwin, hoping against hope that he'd call out our names. Part of me dared to believe we had a shot, but another part was bracing for disappointment.

"So, let me tell you all, each and every one of you was absolutely incredible!" Darwin's voice boomed, his enthusiasm infectious, "But you know how it goes, only one pair can take the crown, right?"

We all nodded, murmuring our agreement, my heart pounding in my chest. I'd poured my heart and soul into our performance, even though there were duos out there who seemed almost otherworldly in their skill.

"And so, after careful consideration, I've made my decision," Darwin announced, a mischievous twinkle in his eye, "The pair I've chosen truly blew me away. Their dance was nothing short of spectacular, and I had a blast watching them!"

The tension in the room was palpable as Darwin prepared to reveal the chosen pair. My heart was racing a mile a minute, and I could practically feel the collective anticipation of everyone present, myself included. Who would it be?

"The pair is..." Darwin paused for effect, and I braced myself, squeezing my hand over my chest in an attempt to steady my pounding heart. I shut my eyes, steeling myself for the verdict.

"It's Cole and Lea!" Darwin's announcement echoed through the room, accompanied by enthusiastic applause. Slowly, I let out a breath I hadn't realized I'd been holding, opening my eyes to reality. Cole and Lea? So, that meant... we hadn't made the cut?

Tyler's trademark grin vanished in an instant, mirroring my own disappointment. Nicole reached out, her hand reassuring on my shoulder, but her sympathetic glance couldn't quite soothe the sting of defeat. "It's okay," she mouthed, but for me, it really wasn't.

While the other pairs erupted into applause and congratulations for the winners, I remained in a state of shock, my lips slightly parted as I surveyed the scene around me.

I could feel Tyler's gaze fixed on me, and I knew he was just as disappointed as I was, judging by his uncharacteristic silence following the announcement.

But strangely, I couldn't bring myself to be angry with him. After all, he'd put in the effort during our dance, and at least he hadn't dropped me. Although, if he had, he might not be standing here now.

"Hey, Ad, you okay?" Nicole's concerned voice broke through my thoughts, and I managed a nod in response.

"Yeah, don't worry. Let's go grab our shoes."

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