➻Chapter 3 - Dancing With The Devil.

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We headed into the parking and without wasting another minute, we plunged into my car.

Nicole decided to drive, because obviously I was no way in a mood to drive. I sat slouched in the passenger seat. My face was drooping and yet again I wasn't able to get Frederick out of my damn mind, and the way he was freaking pecking kisses on her cheeks? Oh my, word.

What a twerp.

I rolled my eyes and sighed, tilting my head to rest it on the window. A tiny laugh escaped my mouth when I thought about all the lies, and bullshit he said. And the worst part, I was stupid enough to trust him.

I sighed again. Ugh. Get the hell out of my mind, twerp!


After like 10 minutes of driving, Nicole shuts the engine. I drew my brows together in confusion.

Weren't we supposed to go home?

I looked out of the window and it was a street, a pretty cute street may I add. It had so many unique looking little shops and stores which made me gasp in wonderment. I continued glancing around with dreamy eyes. The street looked like a little carnival, but smaller and less crowded.

Holy smokes! This was heavenly!

Nicole gave a tap on my shoulder and I immediately turned to face her, my lips tugging into a little smile, "Nic, where are we?"

"No questions. Let's go!"

Nicole grasped my arm and pulled us out of the car. I gasped, and followed her until she ceased before one of those cute little ice cream shops.

"Two big scoops of mint chocolate chip to brighten up my best friend's mood, please!" Nicole suddenly beamed to the shopkeeper, with the loud voice that she has and a broad grin on her face, causing my face to light up instantly.

"Oh, my god. Nicole!" I exclaimed, releasing a chuckle and pulling her into a firm hug. Was anything better than this? She deserved a best bff award already!

Nicole laughed in response and breaking apart, we adopted our positions onto the chairs. I constantly drummed my fingers impatiently on the table. To be honest, I couldn't wait for our delicious ice creams to finally arrive.

Nicole snickered at my behaviour, "Patience, girl. Patience!"

"Eh, that's exactly what I lack," I bleated, leaning back on my chair and raked a finger through my hair.

After what felt like a never ending wait, the man finally marched towards us, holding our mouth-watering ice creams.

I hastily grasped it from him because of the fact how appetizing it looked! I moaned in happiness as the ice cream slipped down my throat, it tasted much more delicious than it actually looked.

"Waoh, am I seeing the same girl who was grieving a while earlier?" Nicole teased.

"Grieving? Was I?" I chuckled, and then smirked to which Nicole only released a laugh.


After we were finally done with
our mind-boggling ice creams, we proceeded to head back home.

Damn, that was such a mood enhancer. I couldn't thank Nicole enough for it. Undoubtedly, it was the best way to light up my muddled up mood.


"So, we're here." Nicole stated, stopping in front of my place, and I sighed, smiling at her. Getting out of the car, I engulfed Nicole into a quick hug.

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