➻Chapter 38- Memories Remain.

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The light of dawn seeped through my window, as I sat on my bed, crossed legged. A gleaming smile posed on my lips while my eyes were stuck down onto the black beaded bracelet I held—which bought thousands of memories back.

It was morning already, and I was sitting on my bed, waiting for Nicole to arrive. Well, my crazy best friend had a pretty bad hangover from last night and all of us were waiting for her to get sober again—since we had to leave for the trip soon. I had received a text from her an hour ago saying that she now felt sounder and was on her way to my house, with my brother. Yes, Jake spent the night over at her's to make sure she was okay.

Sighing, I glanced up at the clock that struck 9 am. Tyler had informed everybody that we were leaving by 10 am and now only an hour remained. I desperately wanted to meet Nicole before we leave because I wanted to speak to her about last night, and my decisions regarding Bryan. I had no idea how she'd react, perhaps brittle, but really, it was necessary at this point.

My eyes averted back onto my hands, gazing at the beautiful bracelet, I fidgeted with. I smiled lightly, eyeing it. It was a bracelet that I beaded when I was ten. The bracelet consisted of only one colour beads in it and it was, obviously, pure black. My favourite colour. Jake and I had made these bracelets back when dad had gifted me a beading set on his return. Jake pearled a similar one, but it had pure white beads attached to it. The amazing part of it all and which often made me smile was that the two of us had made those bracelets for a serious purpose.

'Alright, we promise to give this to someone we never want to lose when we grow up' Jake's joyous voice echoed in my ears and I chuckled at the memory, fiddling with the beads.

Yes, we made these bracelets for someone who held significance in our life and because we were just kids, we named them the 'never lose you' bracelets. The two of us promised to give it someone who meant a lot to us and stuck onto it as if it was some serious commitment. I always found things like this cute because really, who wouldn't want to give their someone special something which would remind them of you every time they see it? And to know you'll be remembered by that significant person always, how great does it feel?

Snickering, I slid the bracelet into the back pocket of my jeans and stood up from my bed. The bracelet was going with me on the trip.

Although Jake was the one searching for the box in the first place, I failed to find the white bracelet in it. I had some doubts concerning that but I chose to ask him instead.

"Is that a hickey?"

Nicole's eyes bulged out of their sockets, as she sat facing me on the bed. She shrieked crazily whilst gaping at the mark which was clearly visible on my neck because of my failed attempt to conceal it anymore. Immediately wrapping a hand over her mouth, I tried to shut her up because of how loud she was being right now. Since I was wearing a white tank top and my hair was messily tied up in a bun it was more than easy to spot that accursed hickey.

Screw you, damnit Scott.

"Don't shout Nicole!" I gave her an alarmed look, detaching my hand away from her mouth, "My family is right downstairs."

"I am sorry but, is that really a—" She gulped, taking a minute to look at my neck again, and then whispered, "A hickey?"

My teeth gnawed on my lower lip watching how shocked she was. Gosh, Nicole was about to get another heart attack when I would reveal the person who gave me it.

"Unfortunately it is," I lowered my head as I whispered my reply to which I heard her choke on nothing, due to the disbelief.

"Who gave it to you?" The question was obvious and quick to rumble out of her mouth, as she began to think over the possibilities, "Did you make out with someone at my party last night? That couldn't be though because you were with—"

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