➻Chapter 18 - Us Together, Again.

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(A/N- Before you begin here's a short notice. The chapters will now contain third person povs as well. It is necessary for the story to continue and to know the antagonist's thoughts and dialogues. Also, note that this is happening while Adele spoke to Bryan and then Tyler! I hope not to confuse you. Now, let's get back to the story!)



"Would you just look at her!" Rebecca sneered, huddled near a wall, stealing glances at Adele seated on the bleachers, deep in conversation with Tyler.

"Becca, seriously, let it go. Tyler's moved on, and you should too. There's no point chasing after him like this," Miley sighed, causing Rebecca and Steffi to snap their heads in her direction.

"Are you kidding me?" Rebecca scoffed, eyes brimming with resentment. "Tyler wants me, it's crystal clear. And I'll make sure to get him. Besides, look at how she's clinging onto Bryan, the guy that you love, Mi! Like a leech!"

"Becca, I've given up on Bryan. And Tyler? After what we did to Adele, I doubt he's interested in any of us," Miley retorted, her voice tinged with regret.

"Shut it, Mi!" Steffi interjected sharply. "You're one to talk, considering you were there with us when we went after Adele. And now you're playing the saint? Spare us."

"Enough!" Rebecca snapped, fixing Miley with a withering glare. "You're being ridiculous. I'm not giving up. And if you get in my way, I'll make sure you regret it!"

"But Becca--"

"Just zip it!" Rebecca's scowl deepened, her anger palpable. "I don't care if you're with us or not. I've got a plan to make Adele pay. She'll regret ever crossing me, mark my words! If she thinks crying crocodile tears can get her sympathy from Tyler then be it. She'll be crying, but for real now."

"Wow, you're diabolical, I love it!" Steffi chimed in with a giggle, nudging Rebecca playfully. "So, spill it, what's the plan?"

Miley's heart sank as she listened to Rebecca's plan unfold. Guilt weighed heavy on her chest as she realized the extent of her involvement in the situation. She couldn't shake the feeling of regret for ever getting involved in Rebecca's schemes.

"What is it, Rebecca?" Max questioned and Rebecca's smirk grew wider.

"I have a task for you,"



I sighed heavily, slinging my bag over my shoulder as I trudged towards my car, feeling utterly defeated after Tyler's bombshell. His place? Alone? I was beyond done.

As I flopped into the driver's seat, my bag joined me in a lackluster thud on the passenger side. Just as I was about to start the engine and wallow in self-pity, my phone chimed, interrupting my pity party.

Letting out another sigh, I reluctantly withdrew my hands from the steering wheel and rummaged through my bag in search of my phone.

I pouted, secretly hoping it was a message from Nicole, possibly begging for forgiveness. After all, being abandoned at the university battlefield without my trusty sidekick was a fate worse than cafeteria food. If only she had given me a heads-up, I would have gladly skipped classes too. But no, she had to hit me with that bombshell right as I was gearing up for class. Classic Nicole, always keeping me on my toes.

I finally managed to fish out my phone and glanced at the screen. Nope, not Nicole. Cue the internal facepalm.

'Hola everybody' Group created by Max.

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