➻Chapter 11- Together? Together!

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I trailed after Adele as she darted from one store to another, like a hyperactive squirrel on caffeine.

"Seriously, does she ever run out of energy?" I muttered to myself, trying to keep up with her enthusiastic antics, whilst chuckling looking at her.

Adele grinned ear to ear as she now stood in front of one of those stores while a disgusted look took over my expressions just glimpsing at what stood infront me.

Fuck this. That was a freaking pink cotton candy shop where Adele stopped and looked at me. Ew, I hate those! Like seriously, I despised those fluff candies.

Adele's eyes sparkled with mischief as she purchased two sickeningly sweet treats and turned to me with a wicked grin. Oh no, she wouldn't dare. I swallowed onto nothing, my eyes enlarged since I knew quite well what that look on her face was for.

"Stop, Hadwin! I won't have those, do not even try," I warned her when she wouldn't stop sneering at me. Gradually, I took a small step back while she gave me that smug looking smile. Good lord. Please, no.

"Oh, but you will!" Adele screeched with excitement before she began pacing speedily towards me.

My eyes stretched wider and wider at her actions, due to which I decided to turn around and run away. Gosh, this girl had some serious issues.

I spun around but before I could speed up, Adele had already neared me. With a dark chuckle, she reached for my shoulders, and hopped right on my back. My reflexes quickly kicked in and I locked her legs around my torso, refraining her from tumbling down from behind. While my mind was still in a haze of this madwoman's actions—the next thing I knew was she grasped a handful of candy and without a warning, stuffed it right into my mouth. I grimaced with disgust at the horrifying taste to which Adele laughed at my struggle.

Fucking hell! What kind of insane creature was this?!

"Goodness, woman! What the fuck?" I screamed with a muffled tone since that horrible candy was still in my mouth and I refused to swallow it.

Adele only chortled at everything as I began to reluctantly eat it and empty my mouth, finally.

For like 10 mins straight, I ran around the street with Adele on my back, who attempted to make me eat another bite but I didn't give in. Instead, I tried to put her off my back, but to no avail. She was stubborn.


"Are you trying to kill me?" I yelled again and Adele laughed before finally getting off my back.

"Oh my, did you look at your face?" Adele put a hand over her mouth, trying to hold another wave of laughter in, "Your face was literally priceless, Tyler!"

My eyes rolled at how she poked fun of me but when I glanced at her again, watching her laugh endlessly, I couldn't help but grin a little too. She was so crazy.

"Fine, was that it?" I stated heaving a small breath, "Because we're about to enjoy in my way now,"

"What do you mean?" Adele questioned, her ringing laughter had abruptly come to an end and she watched me with her mouth slightly left open. She was perplexed but I grinned at the ideas in my mind.

Twirling the car keys on my finger, I advanced forward without sparing another glance at her surprised self. Of course, she had no choice but to follow me.

"Where to jerk?" Adele continued to ask with confusion in her voice which only made me grin wider.

Hell, this will be fun.

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