t h i r t y f i v e : maternity dresses

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"okay, we've reached goa, the smallest state in india. it's more open minded: booze, drugs and bikini bods, you name it...and this is my aunt."

"erm, hello mrs. dubey."

"that's aunt anita for you, sweetheart. and you didn't tell me he was a hot piece of arse, ira."

"and you didn't tell me you were knocked up by uncle pedro. a g a i n . aren't five satan incarnations enough?"

"touché, but you know what they say, honey? when the condoms break, they b r e a k ."


"the beers are in the refrigerator, the pot is under the table and well, i can't seem to find sanity anywhere."

"i might be mistaken, aunt anita, but i think he just entered the moment you opened that door."

"i already love you, boy. now, why don't you scoot? i need to talk to ira for a bit."

"not exactly subtle, are you?"

"nu-uh. subtle is not my middle name, after all."

[complete italicized sentences are used when a third person enters the picture. in this case: aunt anita. i'm at a loss here, guys. i absolutely hate using bold or uppercase. but let me know if this confuses you. i'll figure a way out.]

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