thank you + wattys15

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i cannot believe laundry love is over. like, officially over. thank you to all my lovelies who voted and commented on each and every chapter. (don't want to call out your names in case i forget some of them...but, you guys know who you are. i love you.) the support, the fangirling, the oh my gosh!'es. are the best, i tell you. i love you all, period.

i'm taking a break from wattpad for a little while. by the time i return, i'll come back with a whole new plotline for flippers: an ongoing story.

anywho, there will be a one shot contest coming soon, maybe after a month or two. just until i get new readers. i'll let you know the details soon, pinky promise. sadly, i'm not planning on writing any epilogues because honestly i've run out of ideas. but maybe you all could write the epilogue as your one shot entry. or something.

argh, i cannot BELIEVE it is over? what? when? why? how? where? i love you to death. all of you. and your stomach clenching comments. let me know if you have any questions about laundry love. i'll probably post a q+a chapter if i have enough questions.

but other than that, i've decided to enroll laundry love for the wattys15. i'm not asking you to tweet but if you could just vote-slash-comment on it...yeah, that would be great. you would have my e t e r n a l love.

thank you for e v e r y t h i n g , once again.

much love,


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