s i x t y s i x : stained skirts

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"embarrassing period stories. go."

"well, other than the one you witnessed...there is another one. you sure you want to hear this?" a s h i v e r .


"okay. um, i had gone to the local fair with a few of my friends, my crush- rory, included. i had no idea what period actually was since health class didn't start until the following year and i'd scamper away every single time my sister made an attempt to give the talk."


"whilst i ate cotton candy, i had no idea that i had laid an egg and the inner lining of my uterus were physically preparing to meet satan. blood on the merry-go-round? check. stain on the ferris wheel? check. but still, oblivious to the fact that it was my fucking blood gushing out of my fucking...vulva, i continued, gallivanting with the boys and giggling with the girls."

"say the word 'vagina', ira. say it."


"god, this woman. continue."

"the local band was playing and all the girls, like the airheads that we were, decided to sit on the guys' shoulders and sway with the music. we were posers, i tell you. all of us. by the time i got down, rory's crisp, white shirt was soaked in blood. the guys cringed in disgust whilst the girls turned away in embarrassment."

"so the menstruee was caught red-handed, i see."



"you can guess what i did. ran, and ran and ran. rory called out to me, laughing, i even think he said that it was okay but i didn't stop until my skirt was drenched through and my tear ducts had reduced into the sahara desert."


"i couldn't face them for an entire week. finally, they had to corner me down and tell me that it was fine. rory included."

"you did what anyone would do in your situation. you ovary-acted."


"oh, come on. that was bloody hilarious."

"adrian! period jokes aren't funny, period."



[a/n: come on, guys. period horror stories, anyone? also, #27 in short story? who? what? when? how? where? you guys are bae, i love you. thank you so fucking much.]

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