f i f t y : bondage trousers

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[a/n: an extra-long author's note and question of the day at the end. sowwie.]

"you little fucker, you knew how much this meant to me."

"i did, ira. i did. "

"then why the fuck did you do it, you...you...grinch-hymen-stealing...person."

"fucking adorable."

"adrian, i'm fucking about to burst out crying and you're...you're laughing at me? what happened to all that 'i respect women and their decisions', blah, blah, blah bullshit?"

"who said so, ira? i'm all for woman empowerment."

"oh, puh-lease. the only time you actually give a fuck about women empowerment is when they are on top of you.



"true, that."

[a/n: guys, guys. i'm going through a 'la douleur exquise' experience right now. on daniel coleman. one of the [new] guys from teens react [read: finebros][an episode starring him on the media bar.][also, high five if you recognize him] the struggle is too real and i legit want to cry, not even kidding. i've re-watched all his video footages, stalked his twitter and instagram and his spotify account. his taste in music is...*goes into a corner and sobs uncontrollably* the sad part is that i know that this is not one of those far fetched celebrity crushes that you know has a high possibility of not working out. not that this will work out but i could probably get a platonic reply from him if i tried hard enough. like, really, r e a l l y , hard enough.][qotd: i'd love to know about you guys' 'la douleur exquise' experience/ crush.]

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