s i x t y s e v e n : unadorned habits

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"what happened to rory?"

"well, ro and i started dating soon after that incident. during ninth grade, he admitted to have been questioning his sexuality of late."

"hold on, hold on. is this the same ro who handed me that takeaway brochure. your best friend? you dated him?"

"uh-huh. i never really officially introduced you to him, did i?"

"never did. you broke up with him, then?"

"nah, we continued dating. it was his experimental phase; a one that switched between kissing guys and dating me- a shield against society. we broke up when he was finally confident enough to come out of the closet an- oof!"




"what was that for?"

"you're the most altruistic person i've met, ira. you'd put mother teresa to shame."

"well, not exactly. she did much, much more for the society. she founded the missionaries of charity; along with soup kitchens, dispensaries for hiv/aids, leprosy and tuberculosis patients. and oh, orphanages and schools too. so, you see, i'm not exactly selfl-"



"stop rambling, sweetheart. you're turning me on."




"call me sweetheart again."

"sweetheart. s w e e t h e a r t . sweethea-"



"uh-huh, you're turned on, alright. do you want me to wish mr. morning wood for you?"


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