f i f t y f o u r : smurf costumes

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"i look like a smurf, adrian."

"a very cute smurf, though. look at yuuto and nishi, shamelessly making out."

"it's just a fling. they shouldn't get too attached."

"always a realist. why can't you just fantasize for once, ira?"

"i would have, but the circumstances in my life have taught me otherwise."

"for fuck's sake, woman. let it go."


"let. it. go."


"you can't hold it back, anymore."

"don't you start on that fucking frozen song again, adrian...i swear i'll rip your little scottish sausage and make―"

"―chouriço out of it. yeah, yeah, the threat is getting old. grow out of it."




"the cold never bothered me, anyway."

"fuck. you."

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