s i x t y : life jackets

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"indoor or an outdoor-sy cat?"


"o k a y . pull yourself together, adrian. you never shed a damn tear when that bloody ship sank into the atlantic ocean or when rose had to let go of jack's arm. back to the question, indoor or an outdoor cat?"

"first off, there was enough space for the both of them to fucking fit on that plank. and to answer your question, i n d o o r ."



"o k a y . what i want you to do is, wear your oldest pair of clothes and shoes and take a tour around the campus. search every nook and cranny whilst softly calling out her name. can you do that, adrian?"

"o-okay. what about you?"

"did she respond to any particular toy? the sound of the doorbell?"

"uh-huh. youtube videos of cats meowing."

"i'll go to the other dorms and see if she responds to the videos."

"but it's almost midnight."

"do you or do you not want mrs. norris back?"


"then shut it."

"sorry. i'll go east, you start off with block b."

"okay, then. off you go."

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