s i x t y o n e : silk kimonos

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"m-mrs, norris?"


"come to mama. ugh, hell no."


"here, kitty kitty."


"where the fuck are you, you stupid cat? you've got nine-bloody-lives and i've got only one and i value it very, very much. every year, nearly four million cats are eaten in asia. and i'm fucking asian."


"it's very cold, isn't it? little pussy, it takes approximately twenty-four cat skins to make a coat. i'll make sure you're one of them. i'll be the cat version of cruella de vil, mind you. mwahaha."


"o k a y. that was creepy."


"cruella de vil; cruella de vil; if she doesn't scare you, no evil thing will; to see her is take a sudden chill; cruella...cruella..."


"now is not the time to break into a disney jig, ira. control yourself."



"m e o w ."

"wingardium levi-O-sa. no, ugh, alohomora. fuck, accio."

"m e o w ."

"by the evil power of cruella de vil and harry potter, i fucking found you."

"..." s c a m p e r .

"come back here, you mangy cat."

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