Cameron Dallas (bad boy Cam)

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*Cameron's POV
I walked down the street with Nash and Matthew flanking my sides. We were on our way to the fight. The scene still replayed in my mind, making me even more pissed.

I was at my locker doing nothing. Just standing there waiting for Nash and Matt. Suddenly I was shoved to the floor. I looked up to see the one and only Carter Reynolds, the biggest Soc there was.

"Hey greaser." He smirked. I could never understand why I was labeled as a greaser. I mean, my hair wasn't slicked back and overly greased. I wasn't dirty. I just hung around greasers. Guess that makes me one too.

"What do you want Carter?" I spat. Carter laughed and threw a punch to my jaw. I caught it in my hand and twisted his hand behind his back, pulling it up between his shoulders.

"Ah. Fuck, Cameron, stop." Carter pleaded. I pulled his arm up further and shoved his front side aginst the lockers, keeping his arm between his shoulderblades.

"Don't ever fucking touch me Soc." I whispered to him dangerously. He whimpered but didn't back down.

"I'll do what I want, grease, don't tell me what to do." He whispered back, just as dangerously as I had.

"Better back down Carter. Your shoulder'll break before too long." I said. Carter's leg came p and hit me in the balls. I released his arm and fell to the ground, cupping my area.

"We ain't doing this at school. Be down at the valley at 8." He said, spitting me after. I stood up slowly and wiped it off glaring at him.

"I'll be there bitch. Now get the fuck outta here." I said, my voice dangerously low. A flash of fear went through Carter's eyes but it was gone as quickly as it had appeared.

"Don't tell me what to do grease." He said before walking off with two other boys who I knew would show at the valley.

*end of flashbak*

"Cam, calm down." Matt said. My fists were clenched so tightly that my knuckles were turning white. My jaw was clenched. My cheeks were red. I could feel my blood boiling. I was pissed.

"Shut it Matt." I spat. Matt glared at me only for a second before rolling his eyes and turning his attention to a girl across the street.

"Cameron, we're almost at the valley." Nash says. I nod and look ahead. Sure enough, the valley is less than 6 feet away. I was only more pissd upon seeing it, knowing Carter was there with his Soc friends.

As we walk up to it, I see Carter's black car. It was nice for a Soc. I would take it. Hell, I have taken it. A Soc and Greaser agreeing on a car was something. It meant you had an amazing car. And let me tell ya, that black camaro was amazing.

Usually when I saw it, I would jump in and try to take it before Carter saw. But today was different. I grew angrier at the sight of it.

"He's here." I heard someone say. It sounded like a girl. Why was a girl here?

"Hello Cameron." Carter said.

"Shut the hell up." I said quickly before hitting him in the jaw. He stumbled back and shook his head before putting his fists up.

"Alright. That's how it is. Bring it Grease." Carter yelled, jumping at me. He got my waist and slammed me into the wall. He pinned me by my throat and hit my stomch once before pulling out a blade (knife.). He pressed it to the skin just below my jaw.

"How about a little haircut grease? Maybe we'll start here." Carter said dangerously as he slowly slid the knife across my throat. Not hard enough to kill. But hard enough to break the skin. I shoved him off and pulled out my own blade.

"You are gonna regret that." I growled. Carter's eyes flashed with fear again. I snirked and walked towards him. He backed up until he hit the wall. I grabbed his throat and picked him up off the ground.

"Let...go....please." Carter gasped for air. I tightened my grip a little and placed the tip of my knife on Carter's shoulder.

"If I were to stab you right now, you'd die." I said. Carter's eyes grew wide. "But I'm gonna let you go. Don't ever touch me or my gang (not a real gang) again." I said dropping him to the ground. He fell and runned his throat while gasping for air. I kicked dirt up into his face causing him cough and looked to the left.

I saw the girl again. She was looking at me in surprise. I walked over to her and stared into her eyes. They were grey. And stunning.

"Th-That was impressive." She stuttered.

"Thanks. Would you mind if I took you on a date this Friday?" I asked.

"I'd love too. My name is Zera, by the way." She said.

"Cameron." I replied walking backwards. "I'll see you Saturday Zera." I said as I walked away from the valley. She nodded and looked away. I ran off to the 'Greaser' neighborhood and into my house.

Can't wait for Friday.
Boom! Ya like? I got the idea from The Outsiders. Great book. Its amazing.

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That's all.

Stay beautiful.


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