Matthew Espinosa

771 11 0

Kylie's POV

I was sitting at home watching Awkward with my dog Leo.

It started to get boring so I decided to go on social media and follow some people. I went on my Instagram first and decided to post a picture with Leo. I took the pic and posted with a caption saying: Awkward marathon with Leo ❤.

I then went and followed some people and liked some pictures. My picture had gotten 500 likes so far. I logged off of Instagram and then went on Twitter.

As soon as I got on I saw that #Mattfoundhisprincess trending. My heart kinda broke.


I remember it like it was yesterday. Matt had texted me that day and it was the worst day of my life.

M: hey we need to talk..
K: okay babe, what's up?
M: we need to break up, I just need to focus on tour right now. I'm so so sorry Kylie.
K: so you weren't man enough to tell me to my face, you live right across from me. Whatever bye.
M:Kylie I truly am sorry.

Flashback over

And after that we haven't talked since. Anyways I decided to tweet something that I wanted to say.

@kyliesworld: it's funny how you said you wanted to focus on tour but I see you found someone new. Lmao

I logged off of Twitter and decided to go take a walk around the neighborhood with Leo.

I grabbed Leo's leash and grabbed my keys. I walked out the door and headed down the street.

I was walking down the sidewalk when all of a sudden I saw Matt, he turned the corner and walked up to me.......

Matt's POV

I saw Kylie and I have to admit that I miss her like crazy. I turned the corner and decided to go talk to her.

"Hey Kylie."

"Oh hey Matt, where's your girlfriend?" She asked.

"I saw what you tweeted Kylie."

"I'm just saying,its pretty stupid that you broke up with me cause you wanted to focus on tour, you said you didn't want a relationship. But here you are in a relationship. Congrats."


"You see Matt I fell in love with you and you broke me to pieces. " she said.

"Kylie I'm so sorry. You have to understand-

"Understand what! That you lied cause you wanted to be with someone else? I have to go. Have a nice life."

Before she could leave I pulled her close to me and kissed her. It felt so right, I missed her so much.

She pulled away and punched my chest. "What are you doing? You have a girlfriend!"

"Kylie listen to me, I don't have a girlfriend, the fans just saw picture of me and Mandy walking out of the mall. Okay? I miss you a lot. I don't know why I broke up with you,it was a huge mistake. You were the love of my life. You made my days better. You always made me smile. Please give me one more chance?" I asked

"Matt....that was so sweet. I miss you so much... I will give you one more chance. Please don't ever leave me again?" She said.

"I promise. I love you so much.

"I love you too.

Okay so for this one I winged it but the next one it will be amazing I promise.
I love you guys so much,my little yuniquelettes. Love y'all.

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