Carter Reynolds

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Sierra's POV

I was sitting at home watching Teen Wolf when all of a sudden my phone started to ring. I checked the caller I.D. and it was my best friend Chad.

"Hey Chad wats up?"

"Um did u know that Carter has been home for 5 days? And he's been hanging with Maggie?"

"Wait what? Seriously?"

"Yeah. Sorry."

"Chad do you think you can come over?"

"Yeah be there in 10. Bye."

I hung up my phone and ran up the stairs into my room. I went in my closet and pulled out my running shoes,  my hoodie, and my shorts from volleyball. I then put my hair into a bun and ran downstairs.

About 5 mins later the doorbell rang. I ran to the door and answered it.

"Hey Sierra! Why are you wearing that?"

"Cause Chad, IMA bout to fuck a bitch up."

"Wat are u gonna do?"

I walked over to the door and looked at Chad.

"We are going to his house. Lets go!"

He grabbed his jacket and we walked over to my car.

"Wait. Sierra do u think this is a good idea? Maybe he wanted some space for five days."

I chuckled at his thought, "he wanted space from his girlfriend of 3 years? If Carter wanted space he should have told me to my face instead of hiding like a little pussy  for five days! Now get in the fucking car!"

He immediately got into the car and we drove to Carters.


We finally arrived at Carters house and Maggie's car was there.

"Look Chad her car is here."

"I know i can see that." he said sarcastically

"Get out."

We both got out and headed towards the front door. I was about to open the door when Chads hand stopped me.

"Don't u think we should knock?"

"Hell naw!!" I said.

I looked at Chad and gave him a smile he simply nodded and i swung the door open. Chad and I ran in and saw Maggie and Carter sitting on the couch cuddling.

"Carter fucking Reynolds!" I yelled.

He jumped up knocking Maggie on the floor.

"Sierra what are you doing here?"

"I can ask you the same Carter."


"Save it. You have been home for five days and u haven't even called, texted, or came to see me. But instead u decided to hang out with Maggie.  Why?"

"I just needed time. I needed space. " he said.

"Okay Carter well guess what? You can have the time and space you need cause me and you are over! For good!"

I walked over to where Maggie was sitting and I grabbed her by her hair and started punching the shit out of her. All of a sudden Chad came by my side and grabbed my waist

"Stop Sierra! She's not worth it. Lets just go."

I nodded my head and walked out the door. Chad and I walked over to my car and got in.

"Omg i didn't think you'd actually hurt her."

I giggled a little and said, "i told u i was gonna fuck a bitch up!"

We both started laughing and we drove back to my house.


We made it to my house and we got out.

"Hey can i stay the night? Im kind of tired."


We walked over to my front door and walked in to my house.Chad jumped on the couch and was instantly asleep.

I giggled and walked up to my room and layed on my bed and fell asleep.


Its been two weeks since i broke up with Carter and hes been texting and calling all the time. Ive been rejecting his text and calls. Im just not ready to forgive him yet.

Today i was going to the gym with Chad so i can be ready for the Volleyball Tournament. Chad is bringing his boyfriend along. They are such a cute couple.

I grabbed my keys and headed to the gym .


I arrived at the gym and saw Chad and his boyfriend waiting for me. I ran over to them and gave them both hugs.

"Hey girl ready to workout?"

"Uhhh duh!!"

We walked into the gym and waited to pay our money for our session.

I was about to pay my money when all of a sudden Chad tapped my shoulder.

"Look to your left!" He said.

I looked to my left and saw Carter with Taylor. Shit! I thought to myself.

I turned around to look again and this time we made eye contact. He walked over and said, "can we talk please?   I nodded my head and we walked over to a corner.

"Look Sierra i know i was wrong for doing that to u and i am truly sorry. But nothing was going on between me and Maggie. The only reason i didn't come see you was because i was afraid."

"Afraid of what?" I said.

"I was afraid that u moved on and forgot about me. I was gone for  4 months and i thought you moved on. I love you so much and i wanna be with you so much. Please give me one more chance?"

"Carter i could never forget you. I love you way to much to leave you. I will forgive you."

He gave me a huge hug and kiss. We finally broke apart and he looked at me and said, " i love you so  much babe."

"I love you too Reynolds!"

Okay just FYI i dont hate Maggie i love her to death. Shes perfect. Okay comment and like. Love yall.

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