Jack Gilinsky

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Emry's POV
Don't get caught. I thought to myself as I ran. Don't get caught. Just keep runinng.

"EMRY!" I heard Jack yell. I looked back but kept running.

I shouldn't have pissed him off. I should've accepted him. I shouldn't have ran. I shouldn't have pushed him away. I should've stayed. But I didn't I ran.

What we are, it can't be controlled. Not if we're rejected anyway. And I rejected him. I rejected him. I rejected him. I shouldn't have done that.

The footsteps behind me stopped. I leaned against a tree and breathed heavily. I leaned forward and put my hands on my knees. I slipped Jack's red plaid flannel off and tied it around my waist. I pulled the black tank top up a little bit; just enough to see my hip. Jack's mark wasn't their which caused a sigh to leave my lips.

Before I could even comprehend what had happened, Jack was in front of me pinning me against the tree. He held my hands above my head and stared into my eyes.

"You can't reject me, Emry." He said, sadness and anger evident in his voice. I tugged on my hands, trying to get free, but to no success.

"I can. And I did." I said. I watched Jack's eyes turn red, as an alpha's does when they are mad. He pushed my whole body against the tree, holding me there with his.

"Your my mate, Emry. I know that you know that. You can sense it. You know I would never hurt you. Your mine." He said lowly. His hand went to my hip and he traced a part of it with his index finger. "My mark will be right here. It'll be the same mark that's on my hip. Because your mine. Your my mate, Emry and I'll mark you as mine." Jack whispered.

"Jack, I know that. And I will accept you. But you have to do something for me." I whispered. Jack closed his eyes and sighed. He knew what I meant. But he didn't like it.

"I can't do that, Em. You know that." He said. I rolled my eyes.

"Jack, your my mate. And I'm yours. But I am not accepting you unless you quit keeping secrets. Just tell me." I said. Jack let go of my hands and he held himself up against the tree.

"You can tell something about someone by kissing them, right?" Jack asked.

"If both people think about it, yes." I replied. Jack nodded and moved his hands to my cheeks.

"Alright. I'll show you." Jack whispered. I nodded and his lips met mine.

Suddenly, my eyes snap open. I'm no longer at the tree but outside of a house. I could hear people yelling on the other side of the door.

Slowly, I walked up to the door. The yelling became more clear. I could tell there was a man, a woman, and a child. I could hear 3 different heartbeats.

"You can have that damned child! I don't want him! I never did!" The man yelled. I heard the child whimper and whine.

"Get the hell outta here!" The woman yelled. The door swung open and the woman shoved the man out.

Her hair was tangled and messy. She had bags under her dark brown eyes. She was wearing a silk night dress with a robe over it. The drink in her hand was definitely alcohol so I assumed she was an alcoholic.

"I don't need you here! Stupid, lazy, no-good, god damn free-loadin' sun of a bitch!" She yelled at him.

"Stupid, retarded, know-it-all asshole. Like I fucking need you. Dumb bitch." The man yelled as he walked away from the house. I slowly walked up.to.the house and slipped in.before the woman closed the door.

The little boy had dark brown hair. His eyes were dark brown too. He was curled up.in a ball, silently crying to himself.

The woman came back in and yanked him up. She slapped him across the face and-

Jack pulled away. He was panting and had tears slowly falling from his eyes. He moved his hands to hold him up again.

"I-I can-can't go thr-through that, Emry. I-I....pl-please, Emry, j-just don-don't make m-me do i-it." He stuttered. I wrapped my arms around his neck and pulled him a bit closer.

"Can I please see just a few more minutes?" I asked. Jack looked hesitant but leaned closer.

"Not long." He whispered before pressing his lips against mine.

I was back at the house. Everything was the same. The man was gone. The woman had just slapped the boy and was yanking him through the living room.

"You no-good piece of shit! This is your fault! You shouldn't have came here!" She yelled. The boy struggled against her, coughing and choking every now and then.

"Y-You and d-dad brought me here!" The boy yelled. The woman let go his arm and threw him to the floor.

"Don't you fucking back talk me, Jack." She yelled. I watched she grabbed a belt and just started hitting him repeatedly with it.

"That-That's all I-I can-can show you." Jack whispered, moving away.

"That's all I need to see." I said. Jack's tears were falling more frequently now.

"I-was adop-adopted. She-She didn't know ab-about me. Hell, I-I did-didn't know." Jack said. "When I turned 13, I knew. My teeth were sharper than the other kids. I was taller, stronger, and faster. Those were just clues. The confirmation was the hearing, the-the sense of smell, the eyesight. They were stronger than everyone else's. I.could hear things that were a mile away. I could see things that were far away. I could hear things that-that other people couldn't." His breath started to even out and the tears quit falling. "I need you to accept me. You are the only thing I need. Please Emry. Your all I got." He whispered.

"Jack, I accept you as my mate." I said. Jack smiled slightly.

"Can I mark you?" He asked. I bit my lip.

"Tomorrow." I said. Jack nodded.

People, I love you all. And I will be writing another part to this. About her getting marked.

Do you guys like these kinds of imagines? Like where they are wolves or vampires or hybrids? I enjoy them.

That's all.

Stay beautiful.

Love you.


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