Hayes Grier

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This is for awilson000
*Abby's POV
I watched Hayes run down the field again and sighed. He scored again, of course. I smiled and blew him a kiss. He smiled and made a kissy face at me.

I sighed. I really liked Hayes, really, I do. But I was gwtting tired of this. It was close to homecoming and he still hasn't asked me. Homecoming was literally tomorrow.

"Alright. And that marks half-time." The announcer said. I stood and went to the consession stand. I waited in line and listened to a girl talk about her date to homecoming.

"Nash Grier!?" Her friend shrieked. She smiled and nodded. I recongnized her as Shannon. She was a real nice girl. Good personality and real sweet. She had light brown hair that fell over her shoulders, green eyes that mimicked the color of leaves in summer, and a good body figure.

"Yeah. He asked me yesterday in the middle of the mall." Shannon said. Her friend giggled and looked at her happily. I sighed and walked away.

I sat on the bleachers waiting for the game again. I had my chin resting on my hand and my elbow on my knee. I looked at the field and saw the players going back out. I assumed the game was starting again and watched the field closely. The players ran all across the field. Its strange that they go everywhere because our team is supposed to be on our side. Not the opposing teams.

"Abby!" One guy yelled. I looked at him with my eyebrows furrowed. He smirked and looked at the next guy.

"Will!" The next guy yelled. I mouthed 'what' and looked on, realizing that they were standing in a straight line across center field.

"You!" Another yelled, causing my attention to come back to him. I walked down the bleacher steps to the front and held onto the bars with confusion written across my features.

"Go!" Another yelled. I looked over beside me and saw Nash and Shannon smiling. Nash gave me a quick thumbs up and pointed back to the field.

"To!" The next guy yelled. I bit my lip and went to the other sude of the bleachers. I looked straight and saw 3 more people, one being Hayes, who was smiling.

"Homecoming!" The next yelled. I looked back to the first one and noticed that he was still smirking. They all were.

"With!" The one before Hayes yelled. He smiled at Hayes and and glanced at me. I bit my lip, fighting back a smile. Hayes looked at me as the guy who had just yelled handed him a red rose. I smiled as he got on one knee.

"Me?" Hayes asked. I ran down the bleacher steps and onto the field. The coach laughed happily as the other guys watched me. Hayes stood up and opened his arms, ready to catch me.

I threw my arms around his neck and my legs around his waist. I grabbed his jaw and kissed him hard. He kissed back before pulling away slightly. I rested my forehead on his and smiled.

"Is that a yes?" Hayes asked. I smiled and nodded, kissing his lips again. The guys cheered and surrounded us. Hayes smiled and let out a breathy chuckle.

"Yes. Yes. Yes." I smirked. Hayes smiled again and kissed me one more time.

"Hate to break this up, but we gotta get bak to the game." Coach said. I nodded and ran back to the bleachers.
Hello beauties. This was a request. I enjoyed writing this. I'm not usually up for sweet things but I liked writing this.

Did you like it, Abby? I hope you did.

That's all.

Stay beautiful.

Love you.


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