Cameron Dallas {Bad Boy!Cam}

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Perhaps it was in the way he looked at me. Or maybe it was the way he would ravish me all the time. Maybe it was that he was bad. Or maybe it was that he never listened. I guess it also could've been the way he talked to me. Or it could have been how he touched me.

I would never be able to tell you what it was about him, but something kept drawing me back. Something attracted me to this red-haired boy. I couldn't stay away no matter how hard I tried. Something about him would pull me back right when I thought I was getting away. And, I have yet to figure it out.

At first, I figured it was just because he reminded me of my ex. But as I started watching him more, I realized that it was something else. The dyed-red hair, the spider-bites, the eyebrow ring, the nose rig, the tattoos. Something about him drove me mad.

Of course, I could've never admitted it but I was falling for him. I knew he would never feel the same way. I knew he would reject me. The thing is, I couldn't deal with that. I wouldn't be able to watch him be happy with other girls while I struggled to get his attention. I couldn't watch him kiss other people while I stood back and begged for his lips to touch mine.

I whispered his name so often without even meaning to but I guess that's what happens when your in love. I guess just simply hearing his name was getting me through the days. It would make me think of him and I would be forced to picture his face in my head and it would help.

But then I would see him at school and out on the streets. He would be happy, smiling. Sometimes, laughing or ready to fight. His lip rings would be between his teeth and his hands clenched into fists. Unless, he was with her.

His girlfriend. The black-haired girl with stunning green eyes. His arm would be around her and his smile would be everlasting. He would joke around with her and laugh and smile and just be overall happy.

I can't do that. I fell for him and I can't handle seeing him happy with someone that's not me. It hurts too much and cuts too deep. So, I'm leaving. I'll see you all soon. Good bye.

I love you, Cameron Dallas.

Hey guys! Its me, Kayla! Yeah. I still exist. Haven't died yet.

So, do you guys like these ones? Not sad but, like, punk ones? Luke really do you? Cause I like writing them. But if you guys don't like them then I'll write normal ones.

So, um, how have you been? Good? I'm happy. Bad? Aw, do you wanna taco bout it? ;)

Make sure to vote because everytime you don't a gay baby turns straight! AHHHH! DO IT FOR THE GAYBIES!

Haha. Just kidding. Took that from Matthew Lush.

Nah, but really. Bye guys!


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