Jack Johnson

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*Fantom's POV
My heart beats hard against my ribcage and my body shook. I was scared. Very scared. My mouth refused to let even a whimper slip past as I heard the metal door scraping against the concrete and I knew he was here.

I heard his light footsteps grow closer. My blood ran cold and my heart beat quickened. I froze.

I could almost see the sick, twisted smile that I knew was on his face. My mind could almost paint the image of the evil happiness he had. But the image was blurred as he kissed at my neck.

"Let me go. Please. I won't tell anyone. Just please let me go." I begged. Of course, I knew it wouldn't work. It never does. With any of them. Not even the small blonde one that I knew was here now.

"I can't do that, babe." He whispered against my skin. I let out a soft sigh as tears flowed down my face.

"Why? Why do you guys keep me here? Why can't you just let me go?" I begged quietly. I had asked my self many times. Though I had never came up with reasonable answers.

"Fantom, there are unimaginable things in this world that you just simply don't understand. Unexplainable things. I-We are some of those things. We are considered to be nothing but a myth, a creature made up in your minds. But we are real. Everything that is a so called 'myth' is real, Fantom." His hot breath tickled my neck as he spoke. I took a shaky breath and forced my body to relax. Breathe, Fantom, breathe. I reminded myself.

"What do you mean?" I asked. My voice was so quiet that it almost classified as a whisper. He still heard me, though.

I heard his footsteps walk around me before kneeling in front of me. He hooked his finger under my chin and forced me to look in his blue eyes.

"We're wolves, Fantom. Big, bad, scary wolves. I could easily tear you to shreds if I wanted to. So could the other guys." He said lowly. I saw his blue eyes flash a shade of gold but only for a second. It happened so quickly that I wondered briefly if I'd imagined it. But it happened again and I knew it was real.

"Your not going to hurt me, are you?" I questioned. His eyes took up the gold color completely and his canine teeth sharpened. He said something so quietly I couldn't hear it. "What?" I whispered.

"I could never hurt you, Fantom." He whispered. His-now golden- eyes stared into my green ones. He slowly started to lean in. I stayed still.

"Why?" I whispered. He looked at me in surprise and moved away from me. His eyes changed back to blue.

"Why what?" He asked. I tried to sit up straighter and backed away from him a little.

"Why can't you hurt me?" I asked. His eyes went gold again and he moved so he was almost kissing me.

"It's a wolf thing." He said, his lips brushing mine with every word. I stared into his eyes. They kept changing from blue to gold then from gold to blue. It seemed as though he was fighting his wolf.

"What's going on with you?" I asked. Neither of us had moved so my lips brushed his. My voice was a bit louder than a whisper now.

"What do you mean?" He questioned. His eyebrows furrowed and his lips parted slightly as he took a deep breath.

"Your eyes....They keep switching colors." I stated. He relaxed slightly and cracked a small smile.

"He wants out but I don't want to scare you." He said.

"You won't." I whispered. The blonde boy still looked unsure so I grabbed his jaw. "I promise." I whispered.

"I can't." He mumbled. "I just....I can't." He said. My lips curved into a small smile.

"What's your name?" I asked. The boy smiled and grabbed my hand. He laced our fingers together and kissed my knuckle before answering.

"Jack." He said. I nodded and then it was quiet and neither of us spoke for a while. I took the time to admire Jack.

His blonde hair was pushed back out of his face. His lips looked like they were in this constant pout. His blue/gold eyes sparkled with happiness. I smiled.

"I have to go." Jack whispered. He let go of my hand and stood up. I did too.

"Bye Jack." I muttered. He smile pulled me closer to him, placing a light, quick kiss to my lips before walking out of the building.

I stared at the door with one thought: I could not wait to see Jack again.
Hey guys! So, this is going to be different. Its going to be like a series type thing. There are going to be multiple parts to.this and this is part one. Ya like?

Also, happy news, my mom ordered me my favorite movie and I am so happy. I can't wait!

Requests are open. Just ask and answer a few questions.

That's all.

Stay beautiful.


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