Hayes Grier

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Bailey's POV

"Omg if I have to listen to one more girl brag about prom i will kill myself". I thought to myself.

Prom..... Prom is literally the most important thing in your high school career (other than graduation) and everyone is going except for me.

I mean don't get me wrong but I love prom. Prom is the best only if you have a date. And to be honest with you I really want my best friend Hayes to ask me. I've had a huge crush on him since we met. He's so perfect, his smile, his laugh, his everything is ugh. To bad he doesn't see me the way.

I was at my locker getting all my stuff when I felt someone tap my shoulder. I turn around and see Hayes.

"Hey Hayes! What's up?"

"Hey Bailey. Are you going to the prom?"

"Unfortunately no. How about you?"

"Yeah. I just have to ask the girl first."

"Oh who is she?" I said.

"Well she's very gorgeous. She as long curly brown hair and beautiful blue eyes. She so sweet and she's perfect. I really like her!" He said.

Oh well that crushed my feelings. All I wanted to do was get out of there.

"Oh.... Look I got to go. Good luck on asking out that girl." I said.

I walked away leaving Hayes there.

Hayes's POV

I had just told Bailey who I was gonna ask to prom. She seemed very hurt. I don't know why. She's the one I'm asking. I've liked her for a very long time. She's just so perfect in every way. I decided to tell Bailey at the school gym in front of everyone.

School had just ended and I was so nervous. What if she says no? I shook my head and walked to the gym.

When I walked in everyone was sitting on the bleachers and I walked over to the center of the gym..... Here goes nothing.

Bailey's POV

I was finishing getting my stuff when the intercom went off.

Bailey Smith can you please report to the gym. I repeat Bailey Smith please report to the gym.

I looked around and realized that the halls were empty. Hmm where is everyone?

I walked to the gym and opened the door and saw Hayes and everyone in there.

I walked over to Hayes and said, "Hayes what's going on?"

He just told me to be quiet and grabbed a microphone.

"Bailey Smith I honestly love you with everything I have. I've liked you since we met and I'm lucky to call you my best friend. But I wanna call you more than that. I wanna call u babe and all that good shit. Bailey will you go out with me and be my prom date?"

"Omg Hayes! Yes and yes!!"

The whole gym erupted in cheers and applauds.

"I love you Bailey."

"I love you Hayes. "

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