Nash Grier

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The italisized words are flashbacks.

*Nash's POV
Me and Hunter have been together for exactly 2 years. It hurts to think that in less than 12 hours, she'll be gone. I still remember when I first met her.

I was walking down the street tweeting and following some fans. I couldn't see in front of me.

@GriersDancer I love you too babe . I smiled as the favorites and retweets started rolling in one right after the other.

Suddenly I was thrown back onto the sidewalk. I let out a small scream. As I hit the sidealk though, a girl landed on me.

Her hair was dyed purple and styled in a rather strange but cute way. Her eyes were green and sparkled with happiness. I noticed her nose was pierced but had a stud instead of a ring. She smiled at me.

"I'm sorry. Are you ok?" She asked. I nodded silently. She giggled and then we were in an awkward silence.

"Uh..." I looked down at our bodies and back up at her. She looked at me confused before realization settled on her features.

"Oh, right. Sorry." The girl muttered standing up. I chuckled and reeled myself to my feet. The purple haired girl smiled at me. "Is there any way I could make this up to you?" She asked. I smiled.

"A date. Tomorrow night." I said cheekily. The girl giggled and looked at her feet and then back at me.

"You, sir, are smooth." She laughed. I chuckled breathlessly and bit my lip.

"What do ya say?" I asked. The girl smiled and grabbed my wrist. She tugged it lightly while smiling.

"Why wait for tomorrow? Let's go on that date now!" She said pulling me down the street. I smiled and pulled my wrist from her grip.

"What's your name?" I asked. She twisted her purple hair in her fingers nervously.

"Hunter." She said. I smiled.

"I'm Nash." I said. She smiled and grabbed my hand pulling me into a restaurant.

"Well, Nash, we are going to have the best date." She said....And we did.

I smiled at the memory. Hunter shuffled a little but didn't move. I wrapped my arm around her tighter.

I really didn't want her to go. But it was what made her happy. And I promised to keep her happy. No matter what.

I was at mine and Cam's place. I wasn't doing anything. Just atching TV and trying to think of new ideas for a video.

Suddenly my phone was ringing out, playing Devil May Cry by The Weeknd. I grabbed it quickly and saw Hunter's name across my screen. I smiled and answered it.

"Hey babe." I said happily. I heard Hunter take a deep breath before she spoke.

"Hey. Can you meet me at the park?" She asked. Her voice was shaky and fragile sounding, almost like she could break at any second.

"Yeah. I'll be there soon." I said. She let out a small whimper and inhaled sharply.

"Thanks. I'll see you in a minute. Bye baby." She said. I smiled slightly. I still couldn't believe she'd said yes and was now my girlfriend.

"Bye." I whispered. As soon as I hung up, I pulled my shoes on and ran out the door and to the park.

I looked around for Hunter but saw her no where. Her dyed blue hair -she'd changed it since we met- wasn't in sight. I sighed and looked around.

"N-Nash?" I heard Hunter's voice. I spun around and faced her. She looked awful, broken.

Her eyes were bloodshot and puffy. She has tear stains along her cheeks and she was breathing heavy and uneven.

"What's wrong?" I asked, pulling her to me. She wrapped her arms around my stomach and sighed.

"M-My dad...he was yelling at us again. He called me a bunch of names and said a bunch of hurtful things. I just...I couldn't take it." She cried. I kissed the top of her head and held her closer. "I really just wanna die, Nash." Hunter whispered into my chest. My eyes widened and I pulled from the hug and held her at arms length.

"Don't ever say that. You can't die. Please don't. Promise me you won't do anything to hurt yourself." I begged. Hunter nodded. "Good. And, in return, I promise to keep you happy. No matter what." I whispered, kissing the blue-haired beauty on the lips.

Tears filled my eyes. I would miss this. I would miss holding her and kissing her and waking up next to her. Hunter was my life. It was going to be diffucult getting along with out the love of my life there.

I thought about everything we had done. It was crazy. We had a crazy relationship, but it was amazing. I remembered everything. Even the first 'I love you.'

Hunter and I had decided to just have a day to ourselves. So I took her everywhere I could think of. The amusement park, zoo, park, ice cream parlor, everywhere.

We were at the skate park, watching people skate around and stuff. She laughed .as a guy fell after talking real tough about being able to slide down the bar on his skateboard.

"That was funny." She saud through her laughter. I smiled and kissed her nose quickly. She blushed and turned to the guy next to her. "You owe me $20." She said. The guy sighed and gave her $20. She smiled and handed it to me, telling me to put it in my wallet.

"You shouldn't be gambling with strangers." I chuckled. She smirked and glanced at my hand as she laced our fingers together.

"Nash, will you tell me how much you like me?" Hunter asked as she layed her head on my shoulder. I rested my head against hers and thought for a second.

"I like you a lot. I like that you are so confident. And I like that you are really sweet. And that you stick up for what you believe in. And you don't let other people get bullied. I like the nervous habit you have of twisting your hair in your fingers. And the way you bite your lip when your deep in thought. And how you chew on the inside of your cheek when your scared. And I like how you are so strong emotionally. And I like that you dye your hair. And I like how your so cuddly and touchy. I like how your not scared to speak your mind. I like everything about you. A lot." I said with a smile. She was blushing. Her dark green eyes met mine and she smiled.

"So you basically love me?" She asked. I smiled. Hunter knew how to figure things out.

"Yeah." I replied. She kissed my lips quickly and smiled, resuming her previous position with her head on my shoulder.

"I love you, too." She said. I smiled and kissed the top of her head.

I had tears streaming down my face. I bit my lip to keep in the sobs. Hunter mumbled a small 'Nash?' under her breath.

"I'm right here baby. I'm not going anywhere. I love you." I whispered.

"I love you too." She whispered back.

I was going to miss this so much.
Well, here's an imagine. Let me just say, before everyone's like 'Hunter isn't a girl's name.' Actually, it is. My best friend is named Hunter and she's a girl.

Requests are open. Just ask. We will write it.

That's all.

Stay beautiful.


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