Jack Johnson (Part2)

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*Fantom's POV
Jack didn't come back for a few days. It was just the other guys. But I waited. Even counted the days. Of course, I would never admit that.

When Jack finally walked through the door, I was beyond happy. I had wanted him to come back so badly so I could learn more about his so called 'wolf things'.

"Fantom." Jack smiled. I smiled back and ran to him.

"I missed you." I whispered into his chest as my arms fell around his shoulders. He snaked his arm around my waist.

"I know. I missed you too." He whispered. I smiled against his chest and moved out of the hug. Jack smiled at me and grabbed my hand pulling me to the center of the room. We sat on the floor and talked mindlessly about anything and everything.

"Jack?" I questioned. He smiled and looked at me expectantly. "Will you tell me about these wolf things?" I asked.

"What do you wanna know?" He asked happily. I smiled.

"Why can't you hurt me?" I asked.

"Wolves do this thing-imprinting. It's more than a love. Like you'd do anything to keep that person happy. Whatever you do, you want that person happy. You would do anything to protect them, and you just want them to be safe. You can't stand the thought of them being hurt or sad. You want them to be nothing but happy and safe. And to love you back. You want that one person's approval and for them to love you. That single individual is the only one who's opinion you care for. Their love is all that you desire. I imprinted on you, Fantom." He said. I smiled.

"So you love me?" I asked. Jack blushed and nodded. "I-I can't..." I trailed off.

"I don't expect you to say it back right now." Jack said. I nodded. "Anything else?" He asked.

Can I see your wolf?" I asked. Jack hesutated for a second before nodding. He stood up and pulled his hoodie off revealing a dark red shirt. He took a few steps away from me and let out a heavy breath.

I watched as he doubled over in pain, screaming out. One hand was across his stomach and the other was holding him up.

He let out a loud yell and then a bright light-so bright I had to look away- shined and I covered my eyes. Jack let out a yell thay turned into a whimper.

I looked at where he had been and a blonde wolf stood there. The wolf was tall-taller then any average wolf. Hazel-gold color had taken over his eyes. His ears were brown as were his tail.

"Jack, I-your wolf is...stunning." I said, astonished. He whined and nudged my hand. I lifted my hand and began petting him. He sighed and layed down, placing his head on my lap. Soon, I heard him snoring and assumed he'd fell asleep and soon, I followed.

Jack walked into the room in wolf form. I heard his voice in my head, telling me to get on his back. I smiled and climbed on.

He took off at a dead run away from the building. I buried my face in his shoulder and stred at the ground. I watched as the grass began fading into sticks, stones, rocks, and dirt.

"Where we going?" I asked. Jack growled in response and kept running. His shoulders shifted and his paws hut the ground hard. I smiled and closed my eyes.

When I opened them again, I was no longer on Jack's back but leaning against someone. I looked back and saw Jack. His eyes eyes were closed and soft snores fell from his lips. His arms were wrapped around my waist as his body leaned against a tree. I shufted slightly and watched Jack's eyes flutter open.

"Where are we?" I asked. Jack yawned.

"We aren't where we're going. But right now, we're in the forest." He said.
"Where are we going?" I asked.

"We're heading to the Exton Witch House." He said. (If you don't know what that is, there are videos about it on YouTube and pics of it on google. Its real pretty.)

"Why?" I asked. Jack stood up, pulling me with him.

"For us. So we can be together." He said. "Fantom?" Jack questioned.

"Yeah?" I replied.

"Wake up." He whispered. I furrowed my brows. "Fantom, get up." He said. I tilted my head to the side a bit. "Fantom!" He yelled.

*End of dream

I woke up to Jack shaking me. I rubbed my eyes and looked at him.

"Its dark outside. I think we fell asleep." He said. I nodded and stood up, Jack following.

"Yeah. You should probably go on to wherever." I whispered. Jack nodded and grabbed my waist. I wrapped my arms around his neck and hugged him.

"Bye Fantom." He whispered kissing my forehead. "I love you." He kissed my lips.

"Bye Jack." I muttered.
Hey guys! Sorry I haven't updated in forever. I have been busy with somethings. And I have great news.

Ok so actually a few things.

1) I got The Outsiders book and movie. Yay! I am so happy.

2) I got A Work In Progress by Connor Franta and In Real Life by Joey Gracceffa. (I screamed when I opened it.)

And finally 3) Dan Howell's (danisnotonfire) birthday was on June 11th. He's now 24. Still so amazing.

Sorry this is so long. I just wanted to share a few things with you. So...um...yeah.

Also, I started a book on my account called Dark Halo. So if you wanna check that out, you can.


That's all.

Stay beautiful.


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