Cameron Dallas

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WhatthehelldidIjustdo? Ohmygoshshe'sgoneforever! WhydidIdo this?


I was sitting at home talking to  my  best friend Hannah on the phone and i had just invited her over for a movie night. I was upstairs getting ready when the doorbell rang. I walked downstairs and opened the door thinking it was Hannah but it was actually Kimberly, Hannah's best friend.

"Hey Kim. What's up?"

"Oh nothing just wanted to stop by and say hi."

"Oh, well hel....." But before I could finish my sentence Kimberly pressed her lips to mine. I didn't know what was happening at first but then I started to kiss back.

Kimberly and I were now in my room and let's just say that we weren't kissing . I was eating Kimberly out when all of a sudden my door swung open. I looked up and saw Hannah standing there in tears.

"Hannah I can explain."

"No its fine. Sorry to interrupt."

She turned around and ran down the stairs. I was chasing after her.

"Hannah wait!!"

She quickly stopped but she didn't turn around.

"I can explain." She turned around and looked me in the eyes.

"Why my best friend? Huh? Why her?"

"Hannah she came over and we started kissing and one thing led to another and this happened." I said pointing up and down my exposed body.

Hannah was about to talk when Kimberly came walking down the stairs. Hannah pointed at her and said, "you! You knew that i liked Cameron and you knew i was gonna ask him to be mine tonight but u just had to ruin it!! I can't even be here anymore. Goodbye."

She turned around and walked out of the door. After she was out of sight I turned to Kimberly.

"You knew she liked me and you do this? Are u crazy?"

"Cam i just..."

"No. Get the fuck out my house! Now!"

She put on her coat and walked out.

I shut the door and slid down it with my hands on my head....


Why the hell would he do this? Is he dumb? Ugh. seriously just need to get out of here.

I walked down the hall to my room and started to pack some bags and after I was done i wrote a letter to my roommate.


I'm sorry that I'm doing this but I have to leave for little while. Its not ur fault at all. My rent is on the counter in the kitchen. Thanks for being great girl. Text me okay? love a lot.

I grabbed my car keys and headed towards the door. I took one last look at my old apartment and walked out of the door.

         2 months later

Cams POV

I've been trying to call, text and face time Hannah for 2 months and she hasn't been answering I started to get worried so i went to her apartment to see if she was okay.

I finally made it to her apartment and knocked on the door. Her roommate answered the door and she looked pretty annoyed.

"What do u want?"

"Hi to you too. Um is Hannah here?"

"Actually no she's not. She moved 2 months ago to Florida."

'What?!! No way?"

"Yes way! I lost the best roommate ever. Now i have to find a new one."

"Oh okay. Sorry. Thanks."

I walked away from the door and started texting Nash.

C: hey man. Are u down to go to Florida tomorrow morning?

N: hell yeah!! Road trip!! But wait why?

C: Hannah moved to Florida

N: oooooo that sucks. Okay. Yeah. Pick me up tomorrow?

C: yeah around 6?

N: okay see ya tomorrow.

I put my phone in my pocket and walked to my house.

Hannahs POV

Its been 2 months since i saw Cam and my life has been pretty great. I work at Starbucks and i have my own little apartment. My whole week has been going good but today was the day my whole life would change.

I was working early this morning and i had to open the store. Around 10 o'clock 2 boys came in. One of them looked familiar but the other one was still kinda blurry to me.

They walked over to the counter and the one that looked familiar ordered first.

"Hi can i get a ice cold coffee?"

I nodded my head and said, "and what is your name?"


I immediately looked up and looked him in the eyes.

"Is there something wrong?" He asked.

"No. That will be $6.50."

He handed me his money and then i gave his change and receipt. He said thank you and walked away.

The one that looked blurry was about to order when all of a sudden Nash whispered in his ear.

After Nash was done the guy started looking in my eyes.


"Cameron? What are you doing here?"

"I came to see you."


"Just give me 10 mins?"

I simply nodded my head and walked from behind the counter over to Cameron.

"Okay talk!"

"Hannah i swear to you that i didn't know you liked me. But the truth is that i like you a lot. Actually I'm in love with u. I'm so sorry that this happened. Kimberly is such a slut. She's nothing  compared to you. I drove 4 hours to see you and i sure will drive many more. Please let me show you that i can be there for you and love u?"

At this point me and Cameron were both in tears. I think Nash was too.

"Cameron i have loved you for ever. And of course ill give you a chance."

He gave me a huge hug and kiss.

"After this your quitting and moving in with me."

I just giggled and kissed him.

Okay that wasn't so good but i like it. Comment and like.
Love y'all


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