Jack Johnson

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Requested by Mary_Moe

*Jack's POV
"Calm down, man. Look, just go talk to her. She doesn't have long left. Make her last few moments enjoyable." Gilinsky told me. I nodded and sniffled.

"Yeah. I'll call you when I'm ready to leave." I sighed. He nodded and patted my shoulder as he walked away.

I walked up to the counter. A nurse looked up at me.

"Can I help you?" She asked.

"Yes. I'm looking for Mary Johnson." I said. She tapped some keys and chewed her lip.

"She is in room 1....7....4." She said, pointing in the direction of it. I nodded my thanks and walked towards her room.

In my head, I knew what was happening. Mary was dying. She wasn't gonna live. She wasn't gonna make it. I knew that. I just didn't wanna believe it.

"Hey Mary." I said quietly as I walked into her room. She smiled at me.

"Hey Jack." She said weakly. I walked over to the side and pulled a chair up. I sat down and took her hand in mine.

"How are ya feeling?" I asked. She let out a short breathy laugh.

"As good as I could after a car wreck." She said. I smiled sadly. "How was the concert?" She asked, looking over at me.

"Great. The fans are real worried about you." I whispered. She smiled and turned her head to me. Her brown eyes shined and she smiled.

"I miss them. They know, right?" She asked. I shook my head.

"I love them as much as you. I couldn't tell them that." I muttered. She giggled.

"I love that. How much you care about your fans, I mean." She whispered. I smiled. "Jack?" She whispered. My name fell from her lips almost silently and I knew it was close.

"Yeah? What is it baby?" I asked frantically. My voice was panicked. I was freaking out on the inside.

"Can I have one last kiss?" She asked. I nodded and cupped her cheek.

She smiled up at me and leaned into my touch. Tears slowly started falling from our eyes as I leant down to her. I pressed my lips to hers softly. She kissed back.

For a moment, I thought she might make it. I thought she was gonna be fine, that she'd get outta here and we could live happily ever after.

But that ended and she fell limp. Her lips stopped moving with mine, her hand loosened its grip on mine and she fell limp. I choked on a sob as I looked at her.

"I love you, Mary." I whispered. "I always will." I muttered. I layed her back down and moved her hair out of her face.

I slowly walked out of the room and out to the lobby. The nurse gave me a look of sympathy and pity. I walked outside and pulled out my phone. I went to my contacts and called Gilinsky.

"Hello?" His voice flew through the speakers. I sniffed and tried to even out my voice.

"Hey, man. It's Johnson. C-Could you come get me?" I asked.

"Yeah, man. I'll be there in a minute." He said. I nodded even though he couldn't see me and hung up.

I sat down and leaned my head against the wall. I closed my eyes and just thought. I didn't think about anything specific.

I thought about Mary. How her brown eyes would sparkle. How her smile would light up an entire room. How her laugh could cause anyone an insane amount of happiness. How caring she was. Just everything about her.

She was to caring. It wasn't- she wasn't supposed to die. It wasn't her fault. She didn't deserve it. She had a lot going for her. She was talented and amazing.

I miss her already. I love her. I'll never stop loving her. She was my one and only.

I stood up and turned to face the wall. I growled and punched the wall. I turned around and saw some lady staring at me.

"WHAT!? IS THERE A FUCKING PROBLEM? NEVER SEEN ANYONE PISSED OFF BEFORE!" I yelled. She looked away and walked into the office.

"Jack!" I heard Gilinsky yell. I slowly walked to the car. I climbed in and leaned my head against the window.

"She gone?" Gilinsky's voice was just above a whisper. I sniffled and looked at him.

"Yeah. I-I kissed her and I dunno, she just died." I muttered. Gilinsky looked at the dashboard on the car.

"I'm sorry, man. You ok?" He asked.

No. I'll never be ok. Not with her gone. Not with her being away. Not with her not by my side. I thought.

"I just wanna go home." I said. Gilinsky nodded and drove from the hospital.

I knew Mary was gone. She was gonna die. There was no way to save her. I knew it. I didn't want to believe it, though.

Tears filled my eyes. I sniffled again and stared out the window. I wiped at my eyes and choked back my sobs.

"It'll be alright, man." Gilinsky said. I nodded and looked out the window again.

"I'll be fine, Jack. I love you." I heard Mary's voice. I looked in the mirror at the backseat and saw her there. She smiled and blew me a kiss.

"I love you." I whispered. She smiled as she began to fade away.

"I love you, too." She whispered and she was gone.

I smiled and looked back out the window. Mary would be fine. And I'd see her again one day. She'll be wauting for me. I know it.
Hey guys! So, I teared up writing this. Anyone else?

I hope you liked it Mary. I really tried here. It was my first sad imagine, so I'm sorry if it sucks.

Um, I think that's it.

Stay beautiful.

Love you.


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