Taylor Caniff

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*Taylor's Pov*

my luck with girls was the worst, they either think im a fuckboy or that im gonna play with their heart but in reality i just wanna spoil and love someone. i just think love isn't for me. today i was gonna go out with cameron and matt to the beach. i throw on my tye-dye shirt and my swim shorts. i grab my car keys and make my way to the beach to meet them.

i pull up next to camerons car and hop out. "nice of you to finally join us caniff." matthew jokes. i mock him and we walk over to a nice area where we are close to the beach and close the volleyball net so we can play a game or two of it. "what should we do first?" cam ask. "lets play some volleyball so i can beat your asses" i say. they laugh and we walk over to the first net. i usually play against cameron and matt and i usually always lose. we start playing and im already getting my ass beat, until i hear this voice behind me ask a question. "need some help?"

i turn around and see the most beautiful girl ever. she had light green eyes, long curly brown hair, and she had the most perfect tan ever. she was fucking gorgeous.

*Kendall's Pov*

i saw the cutest guy from across the beach. he had on a tye-dye shirt and some blue-ish green-ish swim shorts. him and his friends started playing volleyball and he was alone. i decided that this was my chance to make a move. I tell my friends that i'll be right back. i walk up from behind. "need some help?" i ask. he turns around and he stands there frozen. i stick my hand out for him to shake. "im kendall." i say. he still stands there frozen. two other guys walk up and laugh. "this is taylor, im matt, and this is cameron." i giggle. "is taylor usually like this?" i ask.

"yeah, when he sees a cute girl he freezes up cause he doesnt wanna say anything dumb." cameron speaks up. i laugh a little. "well taylor, i think you're very cute too." i say. he finally speaks up. "im taylor." he says. i laugh. "i see what you mean." i say to matt and cam. i grab taylor's arm and pull him to the net. "lets play." i say. he finally snaps out of it and begins to play.

after a couple of rounds, taylor and i win. "wow you're really good." he says. "wow, you talk?" i sarcastically say. he chuckles. "yeah sorry, i just thought you were so pretty." i blush. "wanna go for a swim?" i ask. "yeah, ill race you there." he says while running towards the beach. of course he beats me because he cheated. he picks me up and throws me over his shoulder. "taylor put me down!" i yell while hitting his back. "nope, you're coming with me cutie." he says. all of a sudden he goes under water and brings me with him. he pops back up while laughing with me still over his shoulder. "oh my gosh taylor." i say while moving my wet hair from in front of my face.

he walks us to the shore and puts me down. "that was fun." he says. i nod my head and grab his hand and we walk back over to my friends so i can introduce him. i see that matt and cam are already there talking to them. "hey guys this is taylor." i say. the all shake his hand and we do some small talk and then taylor ask me if i wanna go on a walk.

*Taylor's Pov*

after meeting kendall's friends i asked her if she wanted to go on a little walk with me. the sun was setting perfectly and this was the perfect time to ask her out on a date. we walk to the end of the beach and we stand face to face and i grab her hands. "the sunset is beautiful just like you." i say. she blushes. "thank you." today has been a great day because of her. "no, thank you for making today amazing. im so glad we met. i was actually wondering if you would go on a date with me?" i ask. "of course i would" she states. i smile and lean in and kiss her. she had the perfect lips and was a good kisser. we pull away and she steps closer and wraps her hands around me and rest her head on my chest.

we stand there and watch the sunset. this was an amazing day and i guess my luck with girls wasn't that bad. kendall was everything i was looking for and im glad she's giving me a chance.

also if you're wondering what our status is now....we are officially together and she makes me the happiest person in the world.

sorry if that was shitty , im trying to update as much as i can while trying to finish my other book. but i really hope you guys are enjoying this. im glad to be back writing on this book. anyways thanks for reading 💛😘

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