Hayes Grier

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I remember having always wanted nothing but to have sex. Its all I looked to people for, sex.

That's all that this started out as. That's all it was supposed to be. Just sex. Just a quick fuck.

But it was more than that now. I can feel it. Every kiss leaving tingles and every kiss igniting a fire inside me. Everything he did had an effect on me.

As he pushed me against the wall, fire ignited in my bones. My body begged to be closer to him, begged for his touch. All I cpuld do was wrap my arms around his neck and pull him closer. So that's what I did.

My heartbeat sped up. I felt sparks and fireworks and fire. I want more. I am craving his touch. I am craving his lips. I am craving him.

I moaned into his mouth. His hands quickly removed my shirt. Well, his shirt. He'd left it here the other day.

I tugged at the ends of his hair as he began kissing at my neck. He groaned and pushed me harder against the wall.

"God, I love you." I moaned out. I bit my lip after though. As I said, this was supposed to be just sex. I wasn't gonna have anything with him now.

"I love you, too." He whispered against my collarbone. I smiled and let out a short breath of relief.

Hayes reached behind me and unhooked my bra, letting it fall to the floor. I tugged his shirt off and kissed at his neck. He groaned again and pulled me against him. I put my hand on his chest and kissed his lips.

He pulled at my jeans, silently begging me to take them off. I let him slide them off and then tugged at his belt, trying to undo it.

"Here. I got it." He chuckled at my failed attempt to get his jeans off. He undid the belt easily and slid his jeans off, along with his boxers. He pulled my underwear off as well.

"Beautiful." He whispered as he entered me. We both moaned at the contact. I felt my body grow hotter and more tingly.

This time was different. Each thrust given had love in it. Each moan that fell from our lips were given in the pleasure of just bing together. This time it wasn't just sex. It was more than that. And as we climaxed together, I knew that from now on, this isn't just sex. This is love.
Hey! I'm here! I'm alive! I exist!

Anyways, I wrote this. Ya like?

Requests are open.

-Kayla xx

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