Matthew Espinosa

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Andis POV

I was sitting in the mall parking lot waiting for my best friend Matt. Yes Matthew Espinosa.

Me and Matt have been best friends since 6th grade. He kinda threw up on me and ever since then we've been close.

But things have changed since we were in 10th grade. You see Matt became Vine famous and has been going to these events and we haven't been so close lately. Today was the only day that me and him could see each other and I was pretty happy. I've had a huge crush on him since we met.

I was sitting on my phone waiting for him to come. 5 mins later his car pulled up next to mine.

I jumped out the car with a huge smile on my face but that quickly faded when I saw some blonde girl get out the car.

"Hey Andi. I missed you so much. I hope you don't mind that I bought my girlfriend along.!"

"Yeah sure. Hi I'm Andi." I said with a weak smile."

"Hi I'm Alex."

I nodded and we walked into the mall.

We were in Rue 21 and Alex found these cute couple shirts that said "I'm his" and another one that said "I'm hers. That really disgusted me.

We finally got out of there and headed towards Zumiez. They were taking selfies and kissing and all that good shit. I felt like a third wheel. I decided to leave. I couldn't take it anymore.

"Umm hey guys I'm gonna head out. It was nice meeting you Alex. Bye"

"Wait Andi why are you leaving?"

"Ummm. I just wanna go."

"Tell me why?"

"Well you see Matt, this was supposed to be Matt and Andi Day. I haven't seen u in 7 months and now that I can see you, you bring a girl that I didn't even know about till today. Wow thanks!"


"Matt save it. Oh and remember that one day when u asked me who I liked and I didn't wanna tell you? Well guess what its you. Bye,"

I walked out of the mall and ran to my car. I got in and drove off.

I finally made it to my house and opened the front door and ran up the stairs. I fell on my bed and pulled out my iPhone. I went on Instagram and saw that Matt posted the pics of him and Alex.

Then I went on Twitter and saw that Matt tweeted something.

@TheMatthewEspinosa: Iliterally just lost the best thing in the world.

So I decided to tweet and said something about today.

@TheRealAndi: today was literally the worst day ever. .lost my whole world

I threw my phone across the couch and just sat there. All of a sudden my phone buzzed. I unlocked it and saw that Matt tweeted me. (yes she has a couch in her room)

@TheMatthewEspinosa: @TheRealAndi: im coming over.

I locked my phone and just waited for Matt to come.

              1 0 minutes later

The doorbell rang and I slowly walked over to the door and opened it. Matt was standing there.

"We need to talk." He said.

"Okay...... Come in then."

He walked in and sat on the couch.

"I just broke up with Alex."

"Hmm that sucks.. I guess."

"How come u never told me you liked me?"

"Because I thought u didn't feel the same way."

"Well does this answer your question?" All of a sudden he smashed his lips onto mine.

I was shocked at first but I instantly kissed back. We finally pulled apart and he smiled.

"Matt I-

He cut me off by kissing me again

"Just say that you'll be my girlfriend!"

I nodded and hugged him.

The rest of the night we just cuddled and watched Will and Grace.

That was okay I guess. It could have been better but its whatever. Love y'all to death.

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