Jack Johnson (Part 2)

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*Sam's POV
"You two!" The guard yelled pointing at me and Jack. "Follow me." He yelled.

"Yes sir." I smiled walking over to Jack. I grabbed his hand and laced my fingers through his. He smiled down at me (I'm shorter than him.).

The officer turned and walked to his office with us in tow. Jack and I talked the whole way there.

"We are in trouble now." I whispered to him.

"It was worth it." He muttered.

"Why?" I mumbled.

"I had fun. You had fun. We were together. No one heard Jack and Jessica going at it. And I got to spend a great day with my beautiful girlfriend." He replied.

"Go in here." The officer said, opening a steel door. I stood close to Jack as we walked in. "You two knew that it is against the rules to do that, right?" He asked.

"Nope." Jack said.

"Ok. So, I'll let you off with a warning. Just don't do it again." He said smiling at us.

"Ok." I replied. I turned and went to walk out. Jack followed me. As the door closed, I heard the officer whisper 'Don't let her go. She's special.'

"Where to now?" Jack asked.

"Food. I'm starving." I said rubbing my stomach. Jack nodded and we took off towards the food court.

"What do you want?" Jack asked. I pointed to a burger stand. Jack told me to sit while he got our food. I sat down and played on my phone while I waited.

"Damn it. Stupid fucker. Stop dying." I muttered to my phone.

"Here babe." Jack said sitting down. I threw my phone into my pocket and grabbed a burger.

"Thanks." I said. He looked at me in faux pain.

"No kiss? I went and got you food and not even a kiss to show for it." He said placing his hand on his chest. "That cuts deep, Samantha, that cuts deep." He whispered.

"If I kiss you, promise you'll never use my full name again." I said.

"I promise." He muttered leaning over the table. I smiled and leaned over it to him. I kissed his lips quickly then pulled away.

We began eating. I moaned at the taste of the burger. My god, you would not believe how good this is.

"Good?" Jack asked.

"Perfect." I replied. Suddenly a blonde girl appeared. She was about my height with blue eyes. Her hair was curly and long. She was wearing a really short skirt and overly tight shirt. She looked like a whore.

"Hey Jack!" She squealed. Jack gave a fake crooked smile and awful pretend chuckle.

"Hey Sage." He muttered.

"So is this your girlfriend?" She asked smiling.

"Yeah." He smiled.

"Does she know about...this?" She said motioning between her and Jack.

"What?" I asked confused. I looked at Jack.

"Sage we ended a long time ago." Jack says.

"Jack, we still hook-up sonetimes." Sage said.

"What?" I whispered, hurt evident n.my voice.

"No. Sam that's not true. Sage, shut up!" Jack said hurriedly.

"Don't you remember last night?" Sage asked.

"You were with her last night!?" I screamed.

"No. I-" Jack started but I cut him off.

"We're done, Jack." I yelled as I ran out.

"No. Sam!" Jack called after me. I continued running as tears began to fall down my face. I sobbed as I ran.

I knew where I was going. The cave. It was always my comfort place. I loved it there.

So I ran. Until I felt sand under my feet, I was running. Until I heard water crashing against land, I was running. Straight to the cave.

I pulled myself up into the large opening and crawled inside. The instant presence of security was around me. I allowed it to envelope me in its warmth.

"Sam!?" I heard Jack call. I stayed quiet and pushed myself further into the cave. "Sam, I know your here." He yelled up at the cave. I sighed and crawled to the edge. I peeked over and looked down at him.

He looked like an angel. The moonlight lit up his features perfectly. His eyes sparkled and reflected in the low light. He truly looked like a fallen angel.

"What do you want?" I choked out.

"Sam, I never hooked up with Sage." He said. I rolled my eyes.

"Right. And I have a pet unicorn." I said sarcastically. Jack looked to the side and then back at me.

"Sam, do you honestly think I would do that?" He asled looking at me. I stayed silent and looked at the edge of the cave. "Unbelievable." He scoffed.

"What?" I asked quietly.

"I love you, Sam. I love your laugh. And your eyes. And your hair. And your humor. And just everything about you. Your amazing. I wouldn't ever risk losing you. How could you think I would?" Jack said, a few tears escaping his eyes as he spoke.

"Jack, I love you too. But, I'm not sure I can trust you." I replied.

"Why not?" He yelled.

"Because of him." I yelled back.

"He has nothing do with this." Jack screamed.

"Its his fault that I can't trust." I screeched.

"You don't have to be around him." Jack said calmly.

"He's your friend, Jack. I'll always have to be around him." I said back. A few tears fell from my face and hit the rock with a small splash.

"That doesn't mean you have to be around him." Jack choked, his voice cracking. I knew he was crying. I could hear it in jis voice.

"Nash is always around. At some point, I'm gonna be around him. No matter what." I sobbed.

"Then we'll leave town." Jack said with a shrug of his shoulders.

"No." I squealed.

"Then what can I do, Samantha? Tell me what to do to make you happy." Jack said.

"Promise me." I said.

"Promise you what?" Jack asked.

"Promise that you will not ever cheat on me." I whispered only loud enough for him to hear.

"I never have and I never will. I promise." He said. I crawled out of the cave and walked over to him.

He slipped an arm around my waist and pulled me against him. He kissed me lovingly and pulled me harder against him if that was possible. Sonn he pulled away panting for air.

"I love you Sam." He whispered to me.

"I love you, too, Johnson." I smiled.
Hey guys! Its part 2. Yayy! It would've been up sooner but I had finals all day. Sorry.

Anywhore, REQUESTS ARE OPEN! Just answer a few Questions and we'll write it.

That's all.

Stay beautiful.

Love you.


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